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List of National Designations (CDDA_v14_designations, 640 records)
List of national designations with references to laws and number and total area of sites per designation.
FieldName | Definition | Note | DataType |
PARENT_ISO | ISO ALPHA-3 code ( of the reporting country | parent country | text(3) |
ISO3 | ISO ALPHA-3 code ( of the country where the data originate from | recognizes also country territories and autonomous countries in political communities with other, parent countries. | text(3) |
DESIG_ABBR | National designation type code. | text(5) | |
Category | National designation type code | text(1) | |
Odesignate | Title of the designation in original language. | text(100) | |
Designate | Title of the designation in English. | text(100) | |
Law | Reference to the legal text covering the designation. | memo | |
Lawreference | Reference to the Official Journal where the law was published. | Can be empty for category C designations. | memo |
Agency | Address of the administrative authority responsible for the designation. | memo | |
Number | Number of sites for this designation that is present in the CDDA sites table. | long | |
Total_Area | Total area in hectares covered by sites with this designation assigned. | decimal | |
Remark | Remarks concerning the designation | memo |
Spatial coverage of protected areas not defined as sites (CDDA_v14_designation_boundaries, 21 records)
A list of digital boundaries of protected areas not defined as sites. Provides information on resolution of source material from which the boundary has been derived. Instructs EEA regarding dissemination of boundaries.
FieldName | Definition | Note | DataType |
PARENT_ISO | ISO ALPHA-3 code ( of the reporting country | parent country | text(3) |
ISO3 | ISO ALPHA-3 code ( of the country where the data originate from | recognizes also country territories and autonomous countries in political communities with other, parent countries. | text(3) |
DESIG_ABBR | National designation type code. | text(5) | |
CDDA_Availability_code | Availability of boundaries | 00 - Boundaries not available, 01 - Boundaries reported to EEA, 02 - Boundaries under preparation, 03 - Boundaries not relevant for analysis at European scale. Point or line feature. | text(2) |
CDDA_Resolution_code | Code for spatial resolution of dataset from which geographical data for this feature (boundaries, coordinates) has been derived. | 01 - Unknown, 02 - Smaller than 1:1 000 000, 03 - Between 1:250 000 and 1:1 000 000, 04 - Between 1:100 000 and 1:250 000, 05 - More then 1:100 000 | text(2) |
CDDA_Dissemination_code | Code for instructions to EEA regarding dissemination of geographical data (boundaries or coordinates). | 01 - Yes, public dissemination by EEA allowed, 02 - No dissemination, except to UNEP-WCMC for internal use, 03 - No dissemination, only for EEA internal use | text(2) |
Sites data (CDDA_v14_sites, 101712 records)
Main information (name, location, area, IUCN category etc) on each individual designated area at national level.
FieldName | Definition | Note | DataType |
SITE_CODE | Unique record identifier for nationally designated areas | long | |
SITE_CODE_NAT | National site code | Unique record identifier in the national source database | text(30) |
PARENT_ISO | ISO ALPHA-3 code ( of the reporting country | parent country | text(3) |
ISO3 | ISO ALPHA-3 code ( of the country where the data originate from | recognizes also country territories and autonomous countries in political communities with other, parent countries. | text(3) |
DESIG_ABBR | National designation type code. | text(5) | |
Site_name | Name of the site in local language | text(220) | |
Site_area | Surface area of site in hectares | decimal | |
Major_ecosystem_type | Major ecosystem type | M - Marine, MT - Marine and terrestrial (incl. freshwater), T - Terrestrial (incl. freshwater) | text(2) |
Marine_area_perc | Percentage of the total area of marine ecosystems in the site. | decimal | |
IUCNCAT | IUCN management category | | text(3) |
NUTS | Water Quantity: The lowest possible level code of the Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics (NUTS1, NUTS2 or NUTS3) in which the geographical entity is located. | text(5) | |
Year | Year of establishment - the year the site was first time designated | long | |
Last_leg_chng_year | Year of last legal change. | long | |
Last_leg_chng_code | Code of last legal change. | text(2) | |
LAT | International geographical latitude (x) co-ordinate in decimal degrees format. | decimal | |
LON | International geographical longitude (x) co-ordinate in decimal degrees format. | decimal | |
CDDA_Coordinates_code | Code for derivation of tabular coordinates of sites. | 00 - Unknown, 01 - National calculation, 02 - Calculated by EEA from reported boundary data | text(2) |
CDDA_Resolution_code | Code for spatial resolution of dataset from which geographical data for this feature (boundaries, coordinates) has been derived. | 01 - Unknown, 02 - Smaller than 1:1 000 000, 03 - Between 1:250 000 and 1:1 000 000, 04 - Between 1:100 000 and 1:250 000, 05 - More then 1:100 000 | text(2) |
CDDA_Dissemination_code | Code for instructions to EEA regarding dissemination of geographical data (boundaries or coordinates). | 01 - Yes, public dissemination by EEA allowed, 02 - No dissemination, except to UNEP-WCMC for internal use, 03 - No dissemination, only for EEA internal use | text(2) |
Notes | Remarks about the site record | memo |
Site boundaries (CDDA_v14_site_boundaries, 101439 records)
Information whether digital boundaries have been provided for the reported sites. Provides also information on resolution of source material from which the boundary has been derived. Instructs EEA regarding dissemination of boundaries.
FieldName | Definition | Note | DataType |
SITE_CODE | Unique record identifier for nationally designated areas | long | |
SITE_CODE_NAT | National site code | Unique record identifier in the national source database | text(30) |
PARENT_ISO | ISO ALPHA-3 code ( of the reporting country | parent country | text(3) |
ISO3 | ISO ALPHA-3 code ( of the country where the data originate from | recognizes also country territories and autonomous countries in political communities with other, parent countries. | text(3) |
CDDA_Availability_code | Availability of boundaries | 00 - Boundaries not available, 01 - Boundaries reported to EEA, 02 - Boundaries under preparation, 03 - Boundaries not relevant for analysis at European scale. Point or line feature. | text(2) |
CDDA_Resolution_code | Code for spatial resolution of dataset from which geographical data for this feature (boundaries, coordinates) has been derived. | 01 - Unknown, 02 - Smaller than 1:1 000 000, 03 - Between 1:250 000 and 1:1 000 000, 04 - Between 1:100 000 and 1:250 000, 05 - More then 1:100 000 | text(2) |
CDDA_Dissemination_code | Code for instructions to EEA regarding dissemination of geographical data (boundaries or coordinates). | 01 - Yes, public dissemination by EEA allowed, 02 - No dissemination, except to UNEP-WCMC for internal use, 03 - No dissemination, only for EEA internal use | text(2) |
National overview of area protected (CDDA_v14_national_overview, 87 records)
National indicators for amount of national territory that is protected.
FieldName | Definition | Note | DataType |
PARENT_ISO | ISO ALPHA-3 code ( of the reporting country | parent country | text(3) |
ISO3 | ISO ALPHA-3 code ( of the country where the data originate from | recognizes also country territories and autonomous countries in political communities with other, parent countries. | text(3) |
Category | National designation type category | text(10) | |
Major_ecosystem | Major ecosystem | text(20) | |
Total_area | Areas protected within specified boundaries and areas protected by the designation of the particular habitat. | decimal | |
Reference_year | Time reference for area | long | |
Publication_title | Document or indicator where total area was published if available. | text(255) | |
Publication_url | URL of document or indicator where total area was published if available. | memo | |
Methodology_type | Code describing method that was used to calculate the total area. | 00 - unknown, 01 - Official GIS, 02 - Other GIS (from research project, ...), 03 - Expert judgement | text(2) |
Methodology_reference_title | Documentation of methodology used. | text(255) | |
Methodology_reference_url | URL of documentation of methodology used to calculate the total area. | memo | |
Remark | Optional free text comment. | memo |
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