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T_WISE1_Emissions (103285 records)
Annual emissions of nutrients, organic matter and hazardous substances from point discharges and diffuse sources to inland surface waters, aggregated by pollutant and spatial unit.
Element name | Element definition | Value definitions |
spatialUnitIdentifier | Unique international identifier of the spatial unit for which the data is being reported. | see Vocabulary |
spatialUnitIdentifierScheme | Specification of whether the spatial unit is a country ('countryCode'), a Water Framework Directive river basin district ('euRBDCode') or a Water Framework Directive sub-unit ('euSubUnitCode'). For data providers that do not report under the WFD, spatial units equivalent to river basin districts ('eionetRBDCode') or sub-units ('eionetSubUnitCode') should be used. | see Vocabulary |
phenomenonTimeReferencePeriod | The year or range of years to which the data applies. | |
observedPropertyDeterminandCode | Unique code of the determinand monitored, as defined in the codelist. | see Vocabulary |
observedPropertyDeterminandLabel | Name of the determinand. | |
parameterEmissionsSourceCategory | See the code list values for a definition of each category. | see Vocabulary |
parameterEPRTRfacilities | Information if the Emission value is aggregated from E-PRTR Facilities or from non-E-PRTR Facilities or from both together. See codelist for details. | both: Emission value includes emissions from both E-PRTR and non-E-PRTR Facilities; no: Emission value includes emissions from non-E-PRTR Facilities only; yes: Emission value includes emissions from E-PRTR Facilities only |
resultEmissionsValue | Annual emission of nutrients (tonne/year), organic matter (tonne/year) or hazardous substances (kg/year) from a specific source of emissions, aggregated by spatial unit. | |
resultEmissionsUom | Unit of measure for the reported emission value. | see Vocabulary |
procedureEmissionsMethod | Method used in the quantification of the emissions value. | calculated: Point sources only - Values of emissions are based on calculations; estimated: Point and diffuse sources - Values of emissions are based on non-standardised estimations; measured: Point sources only - Values of emissions are based on measurements; modelled: Diffuse sources only - Values of emissions are based on model results |
resultObservationStatus | Status of the observed value in terms of its availability, relevancy, correctness or specifics of its source category. | A: Record is confirmed as correct; L: Missing observed value, the data were not collected; M: Missing observed value, the data can not exist; N: Missing observed value, observed value is not relevant or not significant; O: Missing observed value, no further information is available; W: Missing observed value, data are included in another source category; X: Reported value includes data from another source category (categories); Y: The source category does not exactly match the standard definition; Z: Record reported in the past should be deleted |
Remarks | Remarks, comments or explanatory notes. | |
metadata_versionId | Unique metadata identifier of version of the feature or record. Url that points either to the source of the reported data or to a page providing information on the data origin. | |
metadata_beginLifeSpanVersion | Timestamp when the feature or record was created. In case of reported data it's the release date and time of the respective CDR envelope. | |
metadata_statusCode | Status of the feature or record regarding its registration. | valid: accepted and valid reported feature or record; experimental: derived feature or record, e.g. legacy record converted to the new structure by EEA or records with updated spatial identifiers |
metadata_observationStatus | ||
metadata_statements | Aditional information or statements regarding the reliability of the feature or record. | |
UID | Unique identifier of the record in the EEA WISE_SOE database. |
T_WISE1_RiverineInputLoads (5404 records)
Data on yearly riverine input loads to transitional, coastal and marine waters.
Element name | Element definition | Value definitions |
monitoringSiteIdentifier | Unique international identifier of the monitoring site in which the data were obtained. | |
monitoringSiteIdentifierScheme | Specification of whether the monitoring site is a WFD monitoring site ('euMonitoringSiteCode') or not ('eionetMonitoringSiteCode'). | eionetMonitoringSiteCode: EIONET identifier; euMonitoringSiteCode: WFD identifier |
phenomenonTimeReferencePeriod | The year or range of years to which the data applies. | |
observedPropertyDeterminandCode | Unique code of the determinand monitored, as defined in the codelist. | see Vocabulary |
observedPropertyDeterminandLabel | Name of the determinand. | |
resultEmissionsValue | Annual emission of nutrients (tonne/year), organic matter (tonne/year) or hazardous substances (kg/year) from a specific source of emissions, aggregated by spatial unit. | |
resultEmissionsUom | Unit of measure for the reported emission value. | see Vocabulary |
procedureEstimateDetail | Details of discharge estimate | FloodN: Calculations not accounting for flood events; FloodY: Calculations accounting for flood events; Other: Other methods; OutN: Calculations excluding outlier values; OutY: Calculations including outlier values; XSS: Loads calculated by extrapolation from concentrations (of micropollutants) in suspended sediment |
resultObservationStatus | Status of the observed value in terms of its availability, relevancy, correctness or specifics of its source category. | A: Record is confirmed as correct; L: Missing observed value, the data were not collected; M: Missing observed value, the data can not exist; N: Missing observed value, observed value is not relevant or not significant; O: Missing observed value, no further information is available; W: Missing observed value, data are included in another source category; X: Reported value includes data from another source category (categories); Y: The source category does not exactly match the standard definition; Z: Record reported in the past should be deleted |
Remarks | Remarks, comments or explanatory notes. | |
metadata_versionId | Unique metadata identifier of version of the feature or record. Url that points either to the source of the reported data or to a page providing information on the data origin. | |
metadata_beginLifeSpanVersion | Timestamp when the feature or record was created. In case of reported data it's the release date and time of the respective CDR envelope. | |
metadata_statusCode | Status of the feature or record regarding its registration. | valid: accepted and valid reported feature or record; experimental: derived feature or record, e.g. legacy record converted to the new structure by EEA or records with updated spatial identifiers |
metadata_observationStatus | ||
metadata_statements | Aditional information or statements regarding the reliability of the feature or record. | |
UID | Unique identifier of the record in the EEA WISE_SOE database. |
S_WISE1_SpatialObject_DerivedData (472 records)
List of spatial object identifiers present in the WISE1 dataset tables. Contains selected information reported through WFD or WISE5 spatial data reporting.
Element name | Element definition | Value definitions |
countryCode | Abbreviation of EEA Member or Collaborating Country. | |
thematicIdIdentifier | Unique identifier of the spatial object. | |
thematicIdIdentifierScheme | Identifier defining the scheme used to assign the thematic identifier. | |
monitoringSiteIdentifier | Unique international identifier of the monitoring site. | Is equal to the thematicIdIdentifier value, if spatial object is a monitoring site. |
monitoringSiteIdentifierScheme | Specification of whether the monitoring site is a WFD monitoring site ('euMonitoringSiteCode') or not ('eionetMonitoringSiteCode'). | eionetMonitoringSiteCode: EIONET identifier; euMonitoringSiteCode: WFD identifier |
monitoringSiteName | Name of the monitoring site | |
waterBodyIdentifier | Unique international identifier of the water body being monitored. | Is equal to the thematicIdIdentifier value, if spatial object is a water body. |
waterBodyIdentifierScheme | Specification of whether the water body is a WFD water body ('euGroundwaterBodyCode' or 'euSurfaceWaterBodyCode') or not ('eionetGroundwaterBodyCode' or 'eionetSurfaceWaterBodyCode'). | eionetGroundwaterBodyCode: Groundwater body identifier is an EIONET identifier; eionetSurfaceWaterBodyCode: Surface water body identifier is an EIONET identifier; euGroundwaterBodyCode: Groundwater body identifier is a WFD identifier; euSurfaceWaterBodyCode: Surface water body identifier is a WFD identifier |
waterBodyName | Name of the water body | |
specialisedZoneType | Additional classification value which further specialises the type of management, regulation or restriction zone, represented by this spatial object. | |
naturalAWBHMWB | Specification of whether a water body is identified as natural, artificial (AWB) or heavily modified (HMWB). | |
reservoir | For heavily modified river or lake water bodies, the value indicates whether the water body is a reservoir that has been created by damming a river or an existing lake. | |
surfaceWaterBodyTypeCode | Member State code for the characterisation type of the surface water body under the WFD. | |
subUnitIdentifier | Unique international identifier of the river basin district sub-unit. | Is equal to the thematicIdIdentifier value, if spatial object is an RBD sub-unit. |
subUnitIdentifierScheme | Identifier defining the scheme assigned to the spatial object identifier. | |
subUnitName | Name of the river basin district sub-unit. | |
rbdIdentifier | Unique international identifier of the river basin district. | Is equal to the thematicIdIdentifier value, if spatial object is an RBD. |
rbdIdentifierScheme | Identifier defining the scheme assigned to the spatial object identifier. | |
rbdName | Name of the river basin district. | |
confidentialityStatus | Information about the sensitivity and confidentiality status of the monitoring site location. | F: Free for publication; N: Not for publication |
lon | Longitude of the monitoring site. It is not provided for monitoring sites where publication is restricted. | |
lat | Latitude of the monitoring site. It is not provided for monitoring sites where publication is restricted. |
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