

Localisation of the 129 installations accounting for 50% of the aggregate damage costs from main air pollutants (VOLY) in 2021

Figure Created 30 Apr 2024 Last modified 09 May 2024
1 min read
The figure presents the location of the E-PRTR facilities representing 50% of the external costs by the main air pollutants (NOₓ, SO₂, PM₁₀, NH₃, NMVOC) in 2021. The colour and size of the circles indicates the range of estimated externalities in million EUR. See additional information below.

European data


Additional information

VOLY refers to the fact that in this estimate mortality due to exposure to the main air pollutants is estimated in terms of life years lost and valued by the value of a life year (VOLY). In an alternative higher estimate mortality is estimated in terms of premature deaths and monetised with the value of statistical life (VSL). Euro price base: 2021. Data gaps: Czechia, Malta, Lithuania, and Slovakia (No data reported for 2021).

Corrigendum : An error in the data for external costs caused has been corrected in the briefing and the technical note that underpins it, as has the resulting ranking of facilities. Facility "DJP - De Hoop BV", located in the Netherlands with Inspire ID NL.RIVM/000064335.FACILITY, appeared wrongly as the facility with the highest external costs caused in 2021 in Map 1 of the briefing, as well as Map 4.1 and Table 4.4 of the technical note. The new maps and table now show the correct data and ranking.
The data on total external costs per pollutant group, externalities by country and externalities by sector which can be seen in the briefing did not contain this error and are unaffected.
The corrected versions of briefing and technical note were published on 29/04/2024.


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