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Reference no. EEA/CA/2008/4 – Project Manager – Biodiversity and Ecosystems Indicators – Contract Agent (Function Group IV)


Successful candidates will be motivated, strong professional team players who can demonstrate excellence in this demanding field, and ability to innovate and have the potential to take on increasing responsibilities as their contract at EEA progresses.


The job description and expertise profile described below have been formulated to attract candidates with a wide range of experience centered on development of indicators to assess Biodiversity Progress towards the 2010 target and beyond, and on gathering evidence for a broader range of ecosystems assessments.


Job description:

To support EEA’s major reporting tasks, and underlying indicators developments (Core Set of Indicators, SEBI2010, Biodiversity Index, Environment Composite Index, Sustainable Development Indicators, among others), both on an European and Global context to help assess progress towards the 2010 target (‘halt the loss of biodiversity’) and beyond and by contributing to the development of the work on the ´Streamlining European  Biodiversity Indicators towards the 2010 target´ (SEBI2010 project).


Functions and duties:


  • To develop and maintain cooperation, mainly in relation to above, with European organisations and projects that can contribute with data and information both to the EEA indicators and to EEA major reports (SOER2010 among others);
  • To connect expertise within EIONET and partner networks, namely bridging ETC-BD (European Topic Centre on Biological Diversity) expertise in the field and corresponding packages of work within its annual Implementation Plan, and with EEA member and associated countries;
  • To provide technical assistance to the SEBI2010 project working groups and ensuring work consistency across them, with the Coordination Team and EEA, and other external partners involved in the project;
  • Provide the necessary bridge between EEA indicators on Biodiversity and ecosystems and the review process of the Biodiversity Action Plan, under DG Environment;
  • To participate in relevant working group meetings, both internal and external,  and drafting of indicator documentation in support of major reporting projects under the biodiversity and ecosystems area in the coming years;
  • To review and discuss the current set of SEBI2010 indicators and their documentation based on the on-going assessment report and other requests from a biodiversity and ecosystems perspective;
  • To support EEA related activities in ecosystem assessments and analysis, focusing on linking SEBI2010 and other EEA indicators developments and outcomes with relevant indicator frameworks and assessment processes both internal and external to EEA;
  • To support the EEA indicator and reporting developments, focusing on the ecosystems and ecological dimension in state-of-the-environment reporting, relating science on the one hand and policy making on the other;
  • To this end to organise regular Indicator information exchanges, meetings and workshops, to exploit, in cooperation with others, relevant policy analyses and ecosystems assessments projects requiring and feeding EEA results and objectives.



Formal requirements:


Candidates applying must satisfy the following general requirements on the closing date for the submission of applications:


  • Citizenship of one of the Member Countries of the EEA (Member States of the European Union plus Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland and Turkey);
  • Enjoy full rights as a citizen;
  • Have fulfilled any obligation imposed by law concerning military service;
  • Meet the educational requirements as described under “Eligibility”;
  • Have a thorough knowledge of one of the languages of the EEA Member Countries and a satisfactory knowledge of a second of these languages.

Education certificates and diplomas:


  • A university degree relevant to the field concerned (e.g. environmental sciences, geography, ecology, biology, ecosystems assessments) ideally with an integrated environmental focus


Range of professional experience and skills:


  • A minimum of three years of professional experience in the area of nature and biodiversity information and ecosystems assessments including expertise on analysing biodiversity issues and the connected policies through indicators frameworks;
  • A good knowledge of European governance related to environmental policies, particularly in the fields of nature protection, biodiversity and ecosystems assessments;
  • Experience with documenting and peer-reviewing processes and publishing scientifically sound assessment reports related to the field;
  • Excellent networking, interpersonal, communication and presentation skills; proven skills in communicating scientific knowledge to broader audiences;
  • Proven experience in project management and working with multidisciplinary teams of experts across organisations and countries in the EU and beyond.




Interested candidates must apply by filling in the application form below. To the application form must be attached:


  • The template CV below duly filled in, and
  • A letter of motivation


Application Documents:


Template Europass CV
Instructions for Europass CV


Closing date for application: Friday 20 June 2008, at 12.00 (Central European Time)


Applications sent after this date will be rejected.


Please ensure that you observe the following:


  1. Remember to take time zones into consideration when sending your application.
  2. Include both a CV using the Europass template attached above and a letter of motivation.
  3. Once your application has been submitted, you will receive an automatic reply.
  4. It is your responsibility to keep the automatic reply message as proof of submission of your application.
  5. Should you not receive an automatic reply message, please submit your application again.




The successful candidate will be offered a Contract Agent contract in accordance with the Conditions of Employment of Other Servants of the European Communities. The duration of the contract will be for a limited time period not exceeding three years, with the possibility of being renewed once for the same period.




Eligibility of candidates will be assessed according to compliance with all formal requirements by the closing date for the submission of applications.


Eligible candidates whose application shows evidence of all required competences and skills may be invited for an interview, which will be held for the most part in English. Pre-selected candidates will be asked to undergo a written test in the area of expertise required for the post.


Prior to contract signature, the successful candidate will be asked:


  • to provide original or certified copies of all relevant documents proving his/her eligibility, including an extract from his/her police file;
  • to undergo a compulsory medical examination to establish that he/she meets the standard of physical fitness necessary to perform the duties involved.


The Agency is an equal opportunities employer.




Any personal data provided by the User shall be processed pursuant to European Regulation related to personal data protection, in particular Regulation (EC) No 45/2001 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data by the Community institutions and bodies and on the free movements of such data. It shall be processed solely for the purposes of the performance, management and follow-up of information requested by the User. The User shall have the right of access to his personal data and the right to rectify any such data that is inaccurate or incomplete. Should the User have any queries concerning the processing of his personal data, he shall address them to the European Environment Agency.


Candidates who have not been admitted to the selection procedure will be notified by letter. The candidate may ask to have her/his application reconsidered by a sending a request for review to the Chairman of the Selection Committee at the address indicated on the letter within 21 calendar days from the date of the letter of notification.


Application form

Interested candidates must apply by filling in the application form below. To the application form must be attached:

E-mail (Questions only): should you have any questions, please use this email:recruitment.enquiries at


Geographic coverage


Filed under: vacancies
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