
Country profile - Distinguishing factors (Slovakia)

SOER 2010 Country profile (Deprecated)
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What are the factors that distinguish your country from many others? Main Geographical and Cultural Features
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Last updated
23 Nov 2010
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Published: 26 Nov 2010 Modified: 11 May 2020 Feed synced: 23 Nov 2010 original

Slovakia is a highly diversified country with regard to its natural environment. It is largely located in the mountainous territory of the northwestern Carpathian arch. The central part is formed by the Tatry Mountains. The outer part is shaped by flysch mountains. Pannonian lowlands extend into the southwest of Slovakia. Limestone areas hold many caves. Due to the geological structure of the territory, there are many mineral springs and thermal waters in Slovakia. The climate is temperate. More than 95 % of the territory is drained by the Danube River to the Black Sea. Only a small part drains into the basin of the Baltic Sea. The geographic position of Slovakia in the centre of Europe allows for a rich diversity of flora and fauna.

In 2009, Slovakia had 5 424 925 inhabitants. (see Figure 1)

Most inhabitants are concentrated in the lowlands and valleys. Extensive land use and settlement has had a considerable impact on the original landscape structure and ecosystem composition. Rural settlements contain numerous elements of traditional architecture. Mountain depressions and valley corridors shelter medieval castles and ruins.

Environmental Governance

Central government consists of 14 departments. Many environmental policy functions are managed within the Department of Environment. Department of Economy, Department of Agriculture, Department of Health and Department of Transport, Post and Telecommunications partly participate in environmental legislation processes and enforcement. Regional Environmental Authorities, District Environmental Authorities and Municipalities have responsibility for regional, district and local development, as well as the enforcement of environmental regulations. The major executive body of environmental policy in the Slovak Republic is the Slovak Inspectorate of the Environment. The Slovak Environmental Agency, the State Nature Conservancy of the SR, research institutes and other organisations are statutory bodies responsible for protecting the environment.



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The country assessments are the sole responsibility of the EEA member and cooperating countries supported by the EEA through guidance, translation and editing.

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