
Nature protection and biodiversity - Why care? (Poland)

SOER 2010 Common environmental theme (Deprecated)
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SOER Common environmental theme from Poland
Published: 26 Nov 2010 Modified: 11 May 2020

Poland is a country with a huge natural diversity. Its biodiversity is among the richest in Europe. The decisive factor in this is the transitional climate which is influenced by oceanic and continental air masses, a favourable geographical position in the centre of the continent with no natural barriers to the east or the west, a varied geological structure, varied landform features and hydrographic make-up and varied soil types. Poland’s natural diversity has also been affected by the widely varying conditions of economic and cultural development (compared with other European countries): unevenly spread industrialisation and urbanisation, large areas characterised by traditional, extensive agriculture and extensive ancient forests (the Białowieza Forest is the best preserved area of primeval forest in Europe).

Under the National Strategy for the protection and sustainable use of biodiversity and the Action Programme for 2007-2013, all human activities, in all areas, (economic, scientific, legal and educational) should serve the overriding aim of: ‘Preserving the wealth of biodiversity at local, national and global level, and ensuring the sustainable development of all levels at which it occurs (genetic, species, ecosystem), allowing for the socio-economic developmental needs of Poland and the need to ensure appropriate conditions for living and for the development of  society.’


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