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Figure 1. EU progress under the hydrofluorocarbon phase-down set out in the EU F-gas Regulation
Fluorinated greenhouse gases (F-gases) — which include hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), perfluorocarbons (PFCs), sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) and nitrogen trifluoride (NF3) — contribute to global warming. These gases are used in a range of applications, but the refrigeration, air conditioning and heating sector account for the majority of F-gas use in the EU.
Between 1990 and 2014, EU F-gas emissions increased by around 70% overall and accounted for about 3% of all greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (see EEA GHG data viewer). The increase was largely caused by the substitution of ozone-depleting hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) with HFCs in the refrigeration, air conditioning and heat pump sector and the sector's overall growth. The F-gas Regulation, revised in 2024, aims to reduce F-gas emissions by two-thirds of 2010 levels by 2030. It focuses on improving the leak-tightness of equipment, promoting environmentally friendly alternatives to F-gases and capping sales of HFCs on the EU market through a phase out by 2050.
The EU-wide HFC phase out is expected to result in large reductions in F-gas use and emissions. HFCs accounted for around 90% of F-gas emissions in 2022. To place bulk HFC gases on the market, companies must hold sufficient quotas, which are expressed in tonnes of CO2 equivalents to create an incentive to use gases with lower global warming potential. The maximum quantities of quotas are set to decrease steadily from 2015 to 2050 (Figure 1). The HFCs quantity placed on the EU market was particularly high in 2014 before the phase-down began. It has declined markedly and remained below the maximum quantity set by the F-gas Regulation in 2015 and each year since. Thus, the EU is on track to meet its HFC phase out targets.
Since 2017, HFCs in imported refrigeration, air conditioning, and heat pump equipment have been included in the quota system through authorisations acquired by equipment importers from quota holders. The HFC phase-down under the F-gas Regulation applied to the EU-27 and the UK up to 2020. The maximum quota quantities from 2021 onwards have been adjusted to the EU-27 scope. The definition of maximum quota quantities under the revised F-gas Regulation was extended to 2050. Starting in 2025, it includes HFCs in metered dose inhalers for pharmaceutical use. This explains why the 2025 maximum quantity for HFCs under the EU phase out is higher than 2024.
Additional efforts at EU and country levels aim to reduce HFC leakage from refrigeration and air conditioning equipment, encourage the recovery of gases at the end of equipment lifetime, promote the use of non-HFC refrigerants and ban the use of HFCs for certain applications. The HFC phase-down process has successfully reduced F-gas emissions by about 33%, after a 2014 peak.
Figure 2. EU progress towards the worldwide hydrofluorocarbon consumption phase-down under the Montreal Protocol

At international level, HFC consumption is regulated under the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol. In accordance with the 2016 amendment, which came into effect in 2019, developed and developing countries have committed to an HFC phase-down by meeting progressively decreasing HFC consumption targets.
The phase-down schedule for the EU and the group of developed countries starts at 90% of the baseline going down to 15% by 2036. The EU is well on track to comply with its obligations under the Montreal Protocol: In 2023, EU-27 HFC consumption was 55% below the Montreal Protocol target recalculated to the EU-27 geographical scope.
For details on underlying trends in the EU supply of HFCs and other fluorinated gases, and differences between the ‘consumption’ metric used under the Montreal Protocol and ‘Placing on the Market’ (POM) used under the F-gas Regulation, see Flourinated greenhouse gases 2024 at the ETC CM website.