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See all EU institutions and bodiesThis briefing provides a first overview of PFAS pollution in water based on monitoring data reported to EEA’s Waterbase. PFOS levels are compared with regulatory threshold values, providing an initial understanding of risks in European waters.
Key messages
Monitoring data indicate that perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) is widespread throughout European waters, often exceeding regulatory threshold levels set to avoid potential risk to human health and the environment.
From 2018 to 2022, 51-60% of rivers, 11-35% of lakes and 47-100% of transitional and coastal waters exceeded the annual average environmental quality standards (EQS) for PFOS.
Monitoring activities need to be expanded to provide more information on a greater range of PFAS across a wider geographical area; more sensitive analytical methods are also required.
The widespread presence of PFOS and potentially many other PFAS in Europe’s water is a clear challenge to the EU’s zero pollution ambition for a toxic-free environment. It also compromises the EU policy target of achieving good chemical status for Europe’s water bodies by 2027 at the latest, as laid out in EU policy.
Concern about environmental PFAS pollution is increasing
PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances) are a large group of chemicals consisting of approximately 10,000 different compounds. Also referred to as ‘forever chemicals’, their extreme persistence in the environment has been understood for a long time. However, other concerning properties of these compounds have become better understood over the past two decades. These properties that are displayed by certain subgroups of PFAS include:
- potential for bioaccumulation in living organisms;
- high mobility in water, soil and air;
- long-range transport potential; and
- (eco)toxicological effects that impact humans and the environment (BAuA et al., 2023).
Initially, only certain compounds in the group were of primary concern to regulatory authorities, notably PFOS and perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA). As a consequence, there is much more knowledgeable about the impacts of these compounds, which are now restricted at a global level, than about other members of the PFAS family.
However, there is increasing concern about the harmful effects of all the compounds in the PFAS group, including growing evidence that the less-studied compounds may have similar negative impacts (BAuA et al., 2023). In addition, some PFAS may degrade into so-called arrowhead substances; these are shorter-chain PFAS that are often more mobile and/or bioavailable and hence more problematic than the parent compound.
PFAS pollution in water can harm human health as well as the environment. The EU human biomonitoring project HBM4EU included assessment of PFAS and found that they exceeded safe guideline levels in European teenagers. While accumulation in humans, animals, sediment or soil is mainly due to long-chain PFAS, short-chain PFAS are often found in water and plants as a consequence of their persistence and high mobility (Ghisi et al., 2019; UBA, 2017). In particular, trifluoroacetic acid (TFA), a highly persistent degradation product (i.e. formed from the breakdown of other PFAS including certain pesticides), is on the rise in European groundwater, posing a threat to drinking water since TFA contamination is hard to remove.
Marine currents and sea spray are important pathways for the distribution of PFAS, contributing to their global presence. PFAS have been documented far from their potential sources and across all continents with varying levels of industrialisation. This suggests that long-range transport in the atmosphere is another significant pathway for their distribution (Kurwadkar et al., 2022). They have even accumulated in remote places such as the Arctic.
The Forever Pollution project has estimated that there are around 23,000 PFAS-contaminated sites in Europe; of these, approximately 2,300 are ‘hotspots’ with high levels of pollution that may pose a threat to human health. Another recent study points in the same direction but also acknowledges that a lot is still unknown about the true extent and potential impact of PFAS contamination in surface and groundwater (Ackerman Grunfeld et al., 2024). This issue is also underlined in a recent report by the European Commission's Joint Research Centre which identifies several gaps in our knowledge of PFAS in the aquatic environment; it points to the need for more monitoring data for an effective assessment.
Monitoring PFAS in Europe’s waters
According to the Water Framework Directive (WFD), EU Member States are required to monitor a number of priority substances in surface water. EQS for these substances are then set and used to assess the chemical status of each waterbody. If the annual average concentrations of pollutants are all below the annual average EQS, the specific waterbody is deemed to have a ‘good’ chemical status. Under the WFD, Europe’s water bodies are all required to achieve a good status by 2027, Member States may apply for exemptions to extend the deadline for PFOS and other substances added to the list in 2013, if justified on a limited range of grounds.
PFOS is listed as a priority substance under the WFD and Member States have been required to report on compliance with the EQS since 2021.
In line with Directive 2008/105/EC (as amended by Directive 2013/39/EU), the EQS for PFOS are currently 0.65 nanograms of PFOS per litre (ng PFOS/l) for inland surface waters, 0.13ng PFOS/l for transitional, coastal and territorial waters, and 9.1 micrograms of PFOS per kilogram (μg PFOS/kg) wet weight for biota (fish).
There is currently no comparable EU-level quality standard for PFOS in groundwater. Likewise, no standards have yet been adopted for other PFAS in surface or groundwaters, though EQS for a group of PFAS are currently being established (see Box 1).
Box 1. EQS: the regulatory proposal for surface water and the Drinking Water Directive
In October 2022, the Commission proposed quality standards for the sum of 24 PFAS, including PFOS, in surface water and groundwater. These were based on an opinion of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), supported by opinions of the Scientific Committee on Health, Environment and Emerging Risks. The proposed standard for surface and groundwaters is 4.4ng/l (as PFOA equivalents). For surface waters only, the proposed biota EQS is 77ng/kg wet weight (as PFOA equivalents).
The proposal is being considered by the European Parliament and the Council. The Council’s mandate for negotiations with the European Parliament includes a number of suggested changes, e.g. dynamic alignment of the groundwater group standard with the drinking water standard for 20 PFAS, which is currently less strict, and inclusion of a standard of 4.4ng/l (but not as PFOA equivalents) for the group of four PFAS identified as most critical by EFSA.
Just before the EFSA opinion was published in 2020, the recast Drinking Water Directive (DWD) was adopted; it requires PFAS levels in drinking water to be monitored from 2026 with a limit of 0.5µg/l for total PFAS and 0.1µg/l for the sum of 20 PFAS. This is consistent with the grouping approach explored at the assessment and risk management level, but the values are not aligned with the most recent knowledge on the toxicity of the four PFAS assessed by EFSA.
In 2023, the Commission engaged the World Health Organization (WHO) to complete a scientific assessment of the potential human health risks associated with the presence of PFAS in drinking water, taking into account the latest knowledge. Based on the outcome of the WHO study, the EFSA opinion and other EU policies, the Commission will consider what additional steps might need to be taken to further protect human health through the DWD.
In addition to the EU harmonised limit values described above, certain Member States have included other PFAS and thresholds in their national monitoring programmes. Indeed, the WFD obliges Member States to take account of (and set and meet standards or thresholds for) all substances that pose a risk to human health or the environment.
A total of 27 European countries have submitted monitoring data to the EEA through the WISE system for the 2010-2022 period. These data have been processed for the purposes of this briefing to provide an overall picture of PFAS contamination in European waters and increase our understanding of the extent to which regulatory thresholds are currently exceeded. Disaggregated data are used for the general statistical analysis (see the methodology section) with a focus on PFOS in water bodies, since there are relatively large amounts of data available on this compound in European waters.
EQS have been established for PFOS in both water and biota, and Member States can choose whether to monitor water, biota or both. However, in the 2010-2022 period, almost all samples analysed were from the water matrix (an average of 98% of the samples), with very few analyses carried out on sediments and biota.
Future EEA briefings may examine other data sets such as PFAS in drinking water, biota and sediments, for which less data are currently available.
PFOS concentrations exceed regulatory threshold levels in many monitoring sites
PFOS water monitoring data from 22 countries for 2018-2022 are given in the interactive map below.
Figure 1. Interactive maps for PFOS data in European surface and groundwater (2018-2022) – annual average values in water matrix
At the EU level, coastal waters exceed the EQS for annual average concentrations of PFOS proportionally more than other bodies of water: 100% exceedances in 2018 (out of six sites), 68% in 2019 (out of 28 sites), 47% in 2020 (out of 75 sites), 86% in 2021 (out of 49 sites) and 73% in 2022 (out of 80 sites). For rivers, the values are stable with around 50-60% of sites (out of a total between 386 and 1,097) exceeding EQS annually over a five-year period. For lakes, exceedances are generally increasing, from 11% in 2018 (out of 28 sites) to 35% in 2022 (out of 150 sites).
At the country level, available data indicate some variability across Europe. In 2022, 14 countries reported monitoring data for PFOS in surface water. In Belgium, France and Iceland, 100% of the reported water bodies exceeded EQS. In the Netherlands, 96% of water bodies exceeded EQS, while in Germany, the figure was 83%. In Italy, 54% of sites exceeded EQS. Five countries reported that less than 20% of sites exceeded EQS: Spain (18%), Ireland (6%), Poland (5%), Croatia (5%) and Estonia (2%). Bulgaria, Latvia and Montenegro had no sites which exceeded the PFOS EQS.
Currently, it is not possible to identify a clear trend as the data set is subject to fluctuations (related to factors such as increased quantity and quality of monitoring over time and the relatively short period of monitoring being evaluated).
Figure 2. Percentage of EU sites above current EQS for PFOS per year and water body type
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As mentioned above, there are currently no EU-wide standards for PFAS in groundwater. The Groundwater Directive (GWD) sets EU-wide quality standards for only a few pollutants and requires Member States:
- to set threshold values for substances of concern at national level;
- to identify upward trends;
- to take measures to prevent or limit the introduction of pollutants into groundwater.
In the context of the voluntary watch list mechanism under the GWD, several Member States monitored a range of PFAS in groundwater from 2017 as part of a pilot study.
Groundwater monitoring data on PFOS were reported to the EEA by six Member States (Czechia, Denmark, France, Ireland, Italy and Slovakia) for the 2018-2022 period. These data are shown in the interactive map above (Figure 1), with different sizes of triangles depending on the concentration found at each monitoring site.
National legislation in certain countries sets specific thresholds for different PFAS; these are useful for assessing the chemical status of water bodies. For example, in Denmark, PFAS reference values for groundwater are set as ‘advisory values’ and they are identical to the Danish drinking water reference values: evaluated as the sum of four specific PFAS (threshold value 0.002mg/l) or the sum of 22 specific PFAS (threshold value 0.1mg/l). In Italy, the threshold value for PFOS in groundwater is 0.03mg/l (or 6.5x10-4mg/l where there is interaction with surface water) and four other PFAS are regulated. The general trend for the 2018-2022 period indicates a decreasing concentration of PFOS in EU groundwater. However, more data are needed over a longer time period to draw reliable conclusions.
Territorial coverage and number of monitored PFAS
The different monitoring efforts undertaken by each country account for the variability of the results and thus our current understanding of the geographical distribution of contamination. However, the general EU trend indicates that analytical methods for PFOS detection are becoming more sensitive over time. This leads to less uncertainty about the monitoring data, although there are differences from country to country.
Overall, the number of countries undertaking monitoring activities, number of samples taken, number of monitoring sites included and matrices analysed all increased in the 2010-2022 period. This points to better territorial coverage of the data and an increased monitoring effort. France and Italy reported on the highest number of samples.
Most reported samples in 2022 related to rivers (52%) and groundwater (40%), while fewer samples were reported for lakes (5%) and coastal waters (3%).
Figure 3. Total number of measurements per year in the EU
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Monitoring data for a total of 15 different PFAS are included in the data set. PFOS and PFOA are by far the most monitored compounds, but some European countries have started reporting on other PFAS since 2020.
This new evidence provides an overview of PFAS pollution in the environment (with a specific focus on the most monitored substance, PFOS), highlighting the challenges in delivering on the objectives of the zero pollution ambition for a toxic-free environment.
It is hard to draw conclusions on the extent to which regulatory threshold values are exceeded across Europe and the trend over time is not currently clear. This is due to uncertainties in the reported data, data quality and geographical coverage, as well as the increasing number of results. The granularity of the reported data also varies between countries and regions. However, it can be concluded with confidence that a significant number of EU monitoring sites are under pressure due to PFOS pollution.
The results presented in this briefing point to the need for increased monitoring activities using adequately sensitive analytical methods in areas that have poor coverage (i.e. with either very few monitoring activities or where monitoring has only been performed using low sensitivity methods).
PFOS was first regulated around 2010. Despite this, it is still ubiquitous in the environment. Furthermore, a growing understanding of the environmental and human health impacts of PFAS other than PFOS and PFOA underlines the importance of including more PFAS in monitoring programmes. In this context, concerns about the potential risk related to other PFAS which are currently not as well studied as PFOS and which continue to be released into the environment seem well-founded.
This evidence supports the current proposal under the WFD to expand the list of priority substances to include 24 specific PFAS and the need to review the PFAS limits in the DWD. These measures would be in line with the wider regulatory context including the proposal from five national authorities to restrict the entire PFAS group under the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals Regulation, currently being assessed by the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) and the Commission’s move not to renew the approval of some pesticides. Certain PFAS compounds are already restricted at EU level (or even at international level under the Stockholm Convention): PFOA, PFOS, PFHxS, C9-C14 PFCA and PFHxA.
The objective of the WFD is for all EU water bodies to achieve 'good status' by 2027 at the latest but this target is currently far from being reached, primarily due to a few priority substances such as mercury and brominated flame retardants. Inclusion of recent data on PFAS is likely to make it even more difficult to achieve the policy target since new evidence on the high degree of exceedances for PFOS must now be considered.
Applied methodology for PFAS data analysis
The starting point for the data analysis was the raw data from the European countries in the Waterbase – Water Quality ICM system. In most cases, monitoring data were provided in a disaggregated form; however, in some cases, they were only provided by countries in an aggregated form, in particular for surface water (i.e. annual averages rather than individual results for each monitoring location).
The general statistics reflect disaggregated data for the 2011-2022 period. Some additional information about PFOS and PFOA for 2010-2022 and only for certain countries (mainly Czechia, Germany and Spain) is provided by aggregated data. There are some overlapping data, where certain countries reported both aggregated and disaggregated data.
For the comparison of EQS under the WFD, surface water PFOS monitoring data in both the aggregated and disaggregated files were processed for the 2018-2022 period, once reporting had become more regular and consistent.
Disaggregated data were aggregated using the same approach as the reported aggregated data sets. Both files were processed to exclude uncertain data and data without geographical coordinates.
For both aggregated and disaggregated data and for each year from 2018 to 2022, the measured concentrations of PFOS in water were compared with the current EQS developed in 2011 and reported below:
- surface water (freshwater): 6.5x10-4μg PFOS/l as annual average value;
- surface water (coastal, transitional and territorial water): 1.3 5x10-4μg PFOS/L as annual average value.
The resulting interactive dashboard presents a dynamic view of PFOS surface water and groundwater monitoring in different European water bodies over a five-year period, showing the annual average of samples for the 20 countries which reported data in this time frame. Annual averages were calculated using all available samples for each monitoring site per year provided that the measurement values were above the limit of quantification (LoQ) or both below the LoQ (censored) and the EQS. For the latter, the censored values were substituted by half the LoQ values. They are presented using a gradient of colours depending on the level of EQS exceedance.
Values below the LoQ where the LoQ is above the EQS were not used to calculate the annual average concentration: they were censored due to their intrinsic uncertainty. The percentage of censored data varied depending on the type of water body. For lake water, there was a decrease from 2018 (when 51% of the values were censored) to 2022 (when only 11% of the values were censored). The percentage of censored values for river water remained quite constant (at around 40%), with a slight decrease in 2022 (to 36%). The percentage of censored data for coastal water also decreased from 2018 (when it was 25%) to 2022 (when it was only 12%).
In general, the increase in uncensored data points to increased sensitivity in the analytical methods used to detect PFAS.
The European Environment Agency (EEA) would like to thank its partners from the European Environment Information and Observation Network (EEA member countries and European Topic Centres), ECHA, EFSA and European Commission for their valuable contributions and input.
Briefing no. 19/2024
Title: PFAS pollution in European waters
EN HTML: TH-01-24-014-EN-Q - ISBN: 978-92-9480-690-1 - ISSN: 2467-3196 - doi: 10.2800/9324640
- The dashboard currently displays data on the water matrix only; data on the biota and sediment matrices are not included (see the methodology section).↵
- Only one sample was reported for Iceland.↵
- According to the reported data, monitored PFAS are: PFOS and its derivatives (CAS 1763-23-1), perfluoroundecanoic acid (CAS 2058-94-8), perfluoro-n-pentanoic acid (CAS 2706-90-3), undecafluorohexanoic acid (CAS 307-24-4), perfluorododecanoic acid (CAS 307-55-1), PFOA (CAS 335-67-1), nonadecafluorodecanoic acid (CAS 335-76-2), heptafluorobutyric acid (CAS 375-22-4), perfluorobutanesulfonic acid (CAS 375-73-5), perfluoroheptanoic acid (CAS 375-85-9), perfluorononanoic acid (CAS 375-95-1), perfluorohexane sulfonate (CAS 3871-99-6), 6:2 fluorotelomer sulfonate (CAS 425670-75-3), 3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,7,8,8,8-tridecafluorooctanesulphonic acid (CAS 27619-97-2) and perfluorohexane-1-sulphonic acid (CAS 355-46-4).↵
- ↵Details of the restriction proposal.
- ↵Agreed non-renewal of tritosulfuron ( ) and proposal not to renew flufenacet and flutolanil (
Ackerman Grunfeld, D., et al., 2024, ‘Underestimated burden of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in global surface waters and groundwaters’, Nature Geoscience 17, pp. 340-346.
BAuA et al., 2023, Annex XV restriction report — Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), European Chemicals Agency ( accessed 5 November 2024.
EEA, 2024, ‘PFOS in European waters’ ( accessed 5 November 2024.
Ghisi, R. et al., 2019, ‘Accumulation of perfluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS) in agricultural plants: A review’, Environmental Research 169, pp. 326-341.
Kurwadkar S. et al., 2022, ‘Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in water and wastewater: A critical review of their global occurrence and distribution’, Science of Total Environment 809:151003 ( accessed 5 November 2024.
UBA-Umweltbundesamt, 2017, Protecting the sources of our drinking water from mobile chemicals ( accessed 5 November 2024.