
Global search on data, maps and indicators

Comparison of 2005 EU-15 emissions with hypothetical target paths towards the EU-15 Kyoto target

The Kyoto mechanisms are projected to account for 2.5 % of the EUtarget of an 8 % reduction, and the carbon sink activities are projected to contribute to an additional 0.9 %

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Overall changes in energy-related emissions by main group of air pollutants in the EU-27, 1990-2005

The change in particulate matter includes emissions of both primary and secondary particulate-forming pollutants (the fraction of sulphur dioxide SO2, nitrogen oxides NOX and ammonia NH3 which, as a result of photo-chemical reactions in the atmosphere, transform into particulate matter with a diameter of 10 ¼m or less)

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Modelled summer soil moisture (1961-1990) and projected changes (2071-2100) over Europe

Simulated soil moisture by ECHAM5/T106L31 for the baseline period (1961-1990) (left) and relative changes in % under the IPCC A2 scenario (2071-2100) (right).

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Urban Audit cities — number and origin of newcomers, 2004

For Austria, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Croatia, France, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Poland and Portugal the data are from 2001.

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Efficiency of conventional thermal electricity and heat production, EU 25

The steep increase between 1999 and 2000 in the efficiency of heat and electricity production is mainly due to an important rise in heat production in Germany

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Deposition from Chernobyl in Europe

Total caesium-137 (nuclear weapons test, Chernobyl, ...)

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Changes in EU-15 greenhouse gas emissions by sector, 1990-2006

The categories Total emissions, Energy and Transport do not include emissions and removals from LULUCF (carbon sink activities) and emissions from international bunkers (international aviation and maritime transport).

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Distance-to-target (burden-sharing targets) for EU-15 Member States in 2004, including Kyoto mechanisms and carbon sinks

The distance-to-target indicator (DTI) measures the deviation in percentage points of actual emissions in 2004 from a (hypothetical) linear path between base-year emissions and the burden-sharing target for 2010

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Percentage change of weekly salmonella cases by 1 oC temperature increase

The figure shows the percentage change of weekly salmonella cases 1 degree Celcius temperature increase

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Latitudinal shifts in northern range margins in the United Kingdom for selected groups of animal species over the past 40 years

Results for 16 taxonomic groups of animal species are given for three levels of data subsampling (recorded, green; wellrecorded, orange; heavily recorded, blue)

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Relationship between projected distribution space of the butterfly Titania fritillary (Boloria titania) and its host plant American bistort (Polygonum bistorta) for 2080

Global change scenarios based on storylines developed within the EUfunded project ALARM (Settele et al., 2005, Spangenberg 2007,

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Projected change in 100-year return level of river discharge between 2071-2100 and the reference period 1961-1990

Simulations with LISFLOOD driven by HIRHAM HadAM3H/HadCM3 based on IPCC SRES scenario A2.

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