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Nitrate and phosphorus concentrations in selected WCE freshwater bodies

Numbers of groundwater bodies, lake and river monitoring stations in brackets

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Annual emissions and five-year rolling average of EU-15 greenhouse gas emissions (1990-2006)

The average greenhouse gas emission over five years is a rolling average of greenhouse gas emissions of the last five years

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Ecosystem damage areas by air pollution, EU18

Area with the exceedance of fifth percentile critical loads

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Natural disasters in Europe during 1980-2007

Most of the casualties were elderly people who died in the 2003 summer heat wave (surmortality).

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Distance-to-target-path indicator for new Member States in 2005

The distance-to-target-path indicator (DTPI) measures the deviation of actual emissions in 2005 from a (hypothetical) linear target path between base-year emissions and 2010 Kyoto targets

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Rate of change in rivers classified as less than good as a percentage of the total river classified. Data shown is for different types of classification scheme, by country

Different types of schemes cannot really be compared hence the graph is divided into the classification types used (biological, physico-chemical, combined)

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Overall changes in energy-related emissions by main group of air pollutants in the EU-25, 1990-2003

The emissions of acidifying pollutants (SO2, NOX and NH3) are each weighted by an acid equivalency factor prior to aggregation to represent their respective acidification potentials

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