
Global search on data, maps and indicators

Number of forest fires and burnt area in the EU Mediterranean countries

The figure shows the number of forest fires and burnt area in the EU Mediterranean area

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Urban waste water treatment in cities in the EU

Numbers of cities next to parts of pie

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The linear trend in surface temperature over Europe 1958 - 2001

Linear trend (oC/50 years) calculated from ERA40 data for the period 1958 to 2001

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European fishing fleet, number of vessels

EFTA countries: Norway and Iceland ECC countries

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Efficiency (electricity and heat) from public conventional thermal plants, 1990 and 2006

Due to inconsistencies in the Eurostat data set Luxembourg is excluded for 1990 (input data is registered, output data is zero in 1990) and Norway is excluded for all years (efficiencies greater than 100%).

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