
Global search on data, maps and indicators

Share of number of installations and emissions by size of installation

Zero: emitters with verified zero emissions; Mini: emitters below 0.5 kt CO2/yr; Small: emitters of 0.5 to 50 kt CO2/yr; Medium: emitters of 50 to 500 kt CO2/yr; Large: emitters over 500 kt CO2/yr

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Cumulative number of alien species established in 11 Nordic and Baltic countries* since 1900

* = Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, Germany and the Russian Federation (west of Ural)

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Inter-annual variation in European carbon fluxes from the biosphere to the atmosphere

Note: The lines represent the results of two ecosystem models (LPJ and SLAVE), and the range (minimum, mean, maximum) of calculated terrestrial C flux (based on so-called inversed calculations considering atmospheric CO2 calculation)

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Mean spring-summer concentrations of chlorophyll-like pigments

Notes: 'spring-summer' covers from April to September

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Share of renewable electricity in gross electricity consumption (%) 1990-2006 and 2010 indicative targets

The renewable electricity share in Norway is above 100% in some years because a part of the (renewable) electricity generated domestically is exported to other countries

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Ozone AOT40 for crops, 2004

Rural concentration map of ozone indicator AOT40 for crops, 2004.

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Average specific CO2 emissions of new passenger cars per fuel type, with targets (1995-2005)

The consistency of the time series 19952004 is not guaranteed

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Decomposition analysis of the main factors influencing the CO2 emissions from public electricity and heat production (1990-2005)

The orange bars show the factors that have an increasing effect on emissions and the green bars show the factors that have a reducing effect

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