
Global search on data, maps and indicators

Exceedance of the critical loads for acidification in Europe (as average accumulated exceedances), 2004

This map shows areas in Europe where ecosystems are exposed to atmospheric loads of acidity (sulphur plus nitrogen compounds) that are greater than the critical load for the most sensitive ecosystem in each 50 x 50 grid cell.

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Common farmland bird trend from 1980 and 2002 in EU15 Member States and EU10 Member States

The EU15 series is based on 11 member states and the EU10 series is based on 5 member states

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Sensitivity to desertification in the northern Mediterranean

Sensitivity to desertification and drought in the Mediterranean basin.

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Emissions of air pollutants by sector in 2003, EU-25

'Other' includes energy-related emissions from households, services and agriculture.

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Sea level rise at selected European gauge stations

Note: Data are corrected for postglacial processes.

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