Carbon efficiency of new cars is increasing

Preliminary data published today by the European Environment Agency (EEA) show that new passenger cars registered in the European Union (EU) in 2010 are emitting 3.7 % less CO2 per kilometre travelled than new cars from 2009. A new data viewer with confirmed data will be available in October allowing consumers to compare the carbon efficiency of cars from different manufacturers.

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Globalisation, environment and you

New EEA report highlights connectivity between global issues

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Environment Commissioner and Danish Minister meet 80,000 workers at the EEA

The bees living on the roof of the European Environment Agency (EEA) received some special guests today, when European Environment Commissioner Janez Potočnik and Danish Environment Minister Karen Ellemann visited their hives. The two policy makers joined EEA Executive Director Jacqueline McGlade in harvesting the first batch of honey.

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The search is now on for European Green Capital 2014

How green is your city? That’s the question being asked by the European Green Capital Award (EGCA), which is now searching for an exemplary city for 2014. The competition was launched by the European Commission on 14 June.

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Bathing water quality remains high around the EU

The quality of bathing water across Europe declined slightly between 2009 and 2010, but the overall quality was still high. More than nine out of 10 bathing water sites now meet the minimum requirements.

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Greenland is stepping up its efforts to improve waste management

Reduce, reuse, recycle – the common mantra of waste management makes the process sound simple. But while these three ingredients may be the same, the recipe for sustainable waste management can be very different – and Greenland’s unique environment presents some considerable challenges.

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More efforts required to reduce ozone pollution in Europe

Ground-level ozone is one of the most harmful air pollutants in Europe today. A new report by the European Environment Agency (EEA) shows that despite efforts to reduce ozone pollution, in 2010 levels continued to exceed the long-term objective established in EU legislation to protect human health. EU Member States will also face difficulties in meeting the target value, applicable as of 2010.

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Taking stock of our resource use on World Environment Day – 5 June 2011

Humans are consuming the world’s limited resources at increasingly rapid rate, and Europe is particularly reliant on imported goods to sustain its high levels of consumption. On World Environment Day, the European Environment Agency (EEA) draws attention to Europe’s resource use and offers tips to reduce it.

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EU to exceed nitrogen oxides emission ceiling, mostly due to road transport

The EU-27 and its Member States must meet legally binding limits for four air pollutants set by the National Emission Ceilings Directive (NEC Directive) to protect human health and the environment. The annual status report released today by the European Environment Agency (EEA) shows that while EU-27 emissions for three air pollutants are projected to meet the ceilings, nitrogen oxides (NOx) emissions for the EU-27 as a whole will exceed its ceiling by 17 %. Ten Member States expect to miss their respective NOx ceilings.

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Recession and renewables cut greenhouse emissions in 2009

Greenhouse gas emissions decreased very sharply in 2009, by 7.1 % in the EU-27 and 6.9 % in the EU-15. These most recent results, compiled by the European Environment Agency (EEA), confirm estimates made by the EEA last year. This decrease was largely the result of the economic recession of 2009, but also sustained strong growth in renewable energy.

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