All official European Union website addresses are in the domain.
See all EU institutions and bodiesUčinimo nešto za našu planetu, tiskajte ovu stranicu samo ako je nužno. I najmanje djelo čini veliku razliku ako ga milijuni provode!
A new, enhanced version of the European Community's Biodiversity Portal - the Clearing House Mechanism (EC-CHM) was launched today in Tallinn, Estonia. The Portal is a tool for exchanging biodiversity information and helping cooperation between European Community Institutions, Member States and the rest of the world. It was developed and is managed by the European Environment Agency in Copenhagen.
Climate change is happening, and will affect all aspects of European life.
If every EU country sticks to its plans to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases and uses the Kyoto mechanisms the EU 15 can go beyond its Kyoto targets, says a new report by the European Environment Agency (EEA) released today in Copenhagen.
"Environment policy works", EEA executive director Jacqueline McGlade stated boldly when presenting "The European environment - State and outlook 2005" at the launch in Brussels 29 November.
Policy makers, businesses and individuals must act now on a range of environmental matters or pay a heavy price later
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