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The European Union will reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by slightly more than required under the Kyoto Protocol provided that Member States implement all the policies, measures and third-country projects they are planning and several cut emissions by more than they have to.
From the Mediterranean Coast to the Artic Circle, Europe is blessed with a rich heritage of biodiversity, both in terms of wild and domestic species of plants and animals. But industrialisation, intensification of agriculture and urbanisation, leading to loss of habitats, are putting Europe's biodiversity under pressure and many species are declining in number and under threat of extinction.
This video news release presents Corine land cover 2000 - a multipurpose land use dataset based on satellite imaging and data input from most of the European countries, many of them members of the European Environment Agency. CLC 2000 offers a data set that is consistent across Europe and allows users to see land cover and land use changes over the past decade.
Drawing on data from the recent European Environment Agency report Impacts of Climate Change in Europe, and from other information sources this video news release outlines the likely future impacts of climate change if the current rate of increase of global greenhouse gas emissions continues unchecked, and considers strategies for the future.
Celebrations were held on 1 Dec 2004 in Geneva to mark the 25th anniversary of the convention on long-range transboundary air pollution (CLRTAP).
The European Commission is seeking input from the public on the measures to be included in a new comprehensive European action plan to reduce air pollution. This plan, which is due by mid-2005, will have a direct impact on people's lives. The Commission is therefore launching an internet consultation in order to reach the largest possible number of citizens. Starting today, the consultation will run until 31 January 2005 with results to be published by March 2005.
The European Union faces a choice between exploiting the rest of the planet or becoming dramatically more efficient in its use of resources if it is to meet its 'Lisbon strategy' goal of becoming the world's most dynamic and competitive economy, the head of the European Environment Agency (EEA) warned today.
On 17 November 2004, EEA organised a launch event to present the outcome of the Corine Land Cover 2000 project. The high level event focussed on the possible use of the Corine Land Cover 2000 dataset in support to environmental, agriculture, spatial planning and other policies at national and European level. The event took place in Brussels in the European Commission. Find more about the event by clicking the meeting agenda.
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