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To help policy-makers halt the loss of biodiversity in Europe, the European Environment Agency today launched a report proposing 26 biodiversity indicators — the so-called SEBI 2010 set — to measure progress towards policy targets. The work with biodiversity indicators was given further recognition in the Biodiversity Declaration adopted on Thursday at the UNECE ministerial conference in Belgrade.
Emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG) from international aviation and maritime transport could be included in a successor to the Kyoto Protocol, according to a workshop in Oslo last week.
The forthcoming EU Action Plan on Sustainable Consumption and Production should include clear sustainability targets, concrete steps to internalise environmental costs into prices and a directive on green public procurement. These were three top-priority recommendations identified during the discussions last week at the conference 'Time for Action — Towards Sustainable Consumption and Production in Europe' which brought together 100 experts from governments in Europe, researchers, NGOs and business.
World governments meeting in Montreal last week agreed to freeze production of the ozone depleting substances hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) in 2013 and bring forward the final phase-out date of these chemicals by ten years. Industrialised countries also pledged to provide 'stable and sufficient' funds to help developing countries meet the accelerated phase-out deadline.
This week is the European Mobility Week and the staff of the European Environment Agency in Copenhagen is looking at ways to reduce the number of missions, and to do the daily commuting in an environmentally friendly way. A recent survey among staff showed that 53 % of them walk or cycle to get to work and many others walk or cycle in combination with public transport. None of the staff members responding to the survey use only their car for daily commuting, and merely 10 % use their car in combination with public transport.
A new report raising concerns about the effects of electromagnetic fields (EMF) on human health calls for tougher safety standards to regulate radiation from mobile phones, power lines and many other sources of exposure in daily life. The report, 'Bioinitiative: A Rationale for a Biologically-Based Public Exposure Standard for Electromagnetic Fields' was compiled by the BioInitiative Working Group, an international group of scientists, researchers and public health policy professionals. The EEA has contributed to this new report with a chapter drawn from the EEA study 'Late lessons from early warnings: the precautionary principle 1896–2000' published in 2001.
The European Commission's Environment department is looking to identify high-quality candidates from the new EU Member States to work on a range of environmental issues at its Brussels headquarters.
The European Environment Agency has successfully passed the Eco-Management and Audit Scheme for the third consecutive year. The EEA was the first EU body to gain registration under EMAS. In 2004, the Agency introduced its own environmental management system to make sure it continued improving its environmental performance.
Two EEA teams have travelled to Greenland to participate in the gruelling Siku Extreme Arctic Challenge (SEAC) . Over five days, they will cover more than 250 km of the toughest terrain east Greenland offers.
The new European Topic Centre for Land Use and Spatial Information (ETC/LUSI) was inaugurated today at Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona. The European Environment Agency's Executive Director, Prof. Jacqueline McGlade, joined the Spanish Minister of the Environment, Cristina Narbona, and dignitaries from both Catalonia and Andalucia for the event. ETC/LUSI is an international consortium assisting the European Environment Agency in its mission to deliver information on the state and trends of the European environment to policy-makers and the general public. The consortium will also work with Spanish authorities and organisations, helping to reflect pan-European developments at regional and national level.
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