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Sharing knowledge on climate change adaptation

For all stakeholders, e.g. policymakers, cities, businesses, relevant and timely information is essential for developing and implementing strategies and measures to adapt to climate change. A new report by the European Environment Agency (EEA) provides an overview of existing information platforms across European countries.

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Ozone pollution in Europe: fewer alert days but concentrations still high

Air pollution by ground-level ozone continued to affect many countries across Europe during summer 2014, according to a new briefing published by the European Environment Agency (EEA). Almost all reporting countries exceeded at least once the long-term objective set by EU legislation, while the stricter alert threshold was exceeded only on four occasions.

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Building a shared environmental information system with Eastern neighbours

The European Union's eastern neighbours have achieved progress in developing systems for collecting environmental information, according to a recently published analysis. However, they need to strengthen further their capacities to be able to produce regular, policy-relevant and indicator-based state of the environment reports.

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New cars’ CO2 emissions well below Europe’s 2015 target

New cars sold in 2014 emit on average 2.6 % less CO2 than those sold in 2013 and almost 7 grammes of CO2/km below the 2015 target, according to provisional data published today by the European Environment Agency.

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Europe's environment 2015: Future prosperity depends on bolder steps in policy, knowledge, investments and innovation

Europe's environment and climate policies have delivered substantial benefits, improving the environment and quality of life, while driving innovation, job creation and growth. Despite these gains, Europe still faces a range of persistent and growing environmental challenges. Addressing them will require fundamental changes in the systems of production and consumption that are the root cause of environmental problems.

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