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Managing water and human activities together

River basins, lakes, floodplains and marshes often span political and administrative boundaries. This creates challenges in the management of Europe's water resources, according to a report from the European Environment Agency (EEA), which recommends better integration of coordinated spatial planning and water management.

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Avoiding harmful ozone pollution this summer

High summer temperatures combined with air pollution can cause ground-level ozone to form, which has serious effects on health, especially for older people or children, or those with asthma and other breathing problems. The European Environment Agency (EEA) presents some useful information on protecting your health from ground-level ozone this summer.

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EEA seeks five new members of its Scientific Committee

The European Environment Agency (EEA) is looking for scientists interested in becoming members of its Scientific Committee. The Scientific Committee supports the EEA by providing independent opinions on the Agency's work programmes, recruitment of scientific staff, and scientific questions from the Management Board or Executive Director.

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Deputy Director Gordon McInnes retires after 20 years at the EEA

Gordon McInnes retired from the European Environment Agency (EEA) yesterday. He has worked at the EEA and its predecessor, the Commission’s Task Force, since 1992.

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Eleven Member States exceed air emissions limits under LRTAP Convention

Emissions of most air pollutants have fallen over the last two decades in Europe. But many Member States have exceeded internationally-agreed pollutant limits set to protect human health and the environment, according to a new report from the European Environment Agency (EEA). Road transport, households, power plants, agricultural activities and certain industry sectors continue to emit significant amounts of air pollution.

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