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Back to the future at Green Week 2007

What will Europe’s society and environment look like some thirty years from now? The PRELUDE project, which attempts to go far beyond the perspective of two legislative cycles and explore this question, will feature prominently for the European Environment Agency at this year’s four-day EU ‘Green Week’ event in Brussels, starting today.

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EEA offsets emissions by funding 'Gold Standard' carbon projects

Setting a trend in the way organisations deal with their carbon footprints, the European Environment Agency has introduced its own carbon offsetting scheme. The Agency bought EUR 13 500 carbon offsets corresponding to 673 tonnes of CO2 emissions for its air travel in 2006. This sum covers both air travel of staff attending meetings and conferences outside Denmark and invited guests coming to the Agency.

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Implementation of Emissions Trading Scheme still not fully aligned

Further alignment of operating procedures of the Emissions Trading Scheme is still possible, according to a report released by the European Environment Agency today. The report, 'Application of the Emissions Trading Directive by EU Member States' also says that in many cases it has been difficult for Member States to stick to the time table for reporting and verification.

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EEA fuels debate on adapting water policies to climate change

Climate change needs to be mainstreamed into water quality, water availability and flooding policies and strategies, according to a new EEA report. The report 'Climate change and water adaptation issues', says that existing adaptive measures are not sufficient, and are concentrated in flood defences.

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The European Community submits its initial report under the Kyoto Protocol

'The European Community's initial report under the Kyoto Protocol', a new EEA report, sets the maximum amount of greenhouse gases the EU-15 can emit between 2008-2012 (excluding the Kyoto mechanisims). The report constitutes the main part of the European Community’s submission of its initial report to the secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

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