
Global search on data, maps and indicators

Corine land cover 2006 by country

The maps illustrate Corine Land Cover 2006 for each country for all 44 classes.

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Illustration of the statistical analysis using multiple linear regression

This simple example uses the data of the NUTS-X regions from Belgium (FG-B2). The effective mesh density (seff) is shown as the response variable as a function of two predictor variables: population density (PD, between 64 and 600 people per km2) and gross domestic product per capita (GDPc, between 20 500 and 37 000 euros PPs). The gridded plane shows the predicted values for the effective mesh density for each combination of PD and GDPc. The differences between the observed values of seff (shown as small squares) and the predicted values are shown as perpendicular lines and are called residuals. In this example, the predicted level of fragmentation increases with higher population densities and with higher gross domestic product per capita, and the variation in population density has a higher influence than the variation in GDPc.

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Predicted and observed values of effective mesh density according to the pan‑European predictive model

Effective mesh density values by NUTS-X region for Fragmentation Geometry FG-B2 in 2009. The NUTS-X regions represented by points above the diagonal line are more fragmented than predicted (e.g., FR107 Val de Marne) and those represented by by points below the diagonal line are less fragmented than predicted (e.g., CH04 Zurich).

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Bar diagram of effective mesh density values per NUTS-X region for FG-B2 in 2009

Effective mesh density values by NUTS-X region for Fragmentation Geometry FG-B2 in 2009. Fragmentation geometry has been created from input data (TeleAtlas roads/rails, CLC urban classes, mountain areas / mountain ridges based on Nordregio and WorldClim data and rivers/lakes based on Catchment Characterisation and Modelling (CCM) v.2 database and CLC database) and landscape fragmentation metrics (Jaeger 2000) has been calculated.

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Landscape fragmentation in NUTS-X regions in 2009

Map shows the level of fragmentation for FG-B2 in the 581 NUTS-X regions investigated

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Example illustrating the relationship between effective mesh size and effective

In this hypothetical example, the trend remains constant. A linear rise in effective mesh density (right) corresponds to a 1/x curve in the graph of the effective mesh size (left). A slower increase in fragmentation results in a flatter curve for effective mesh size, and a more rapid increase produces a steeper curve. It is therefore easier to read trends off the graph of effective mesh density (right).

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Particulate matter (PM10) - Annual limit value for the protection of human health

In the air quality directive (2008/EC/50), the EU has set two limit values for particulate matter (PM10) for the protection of human health: the PM10 daily mean value may not exceed 50 micrograms per cubic metre (µg/m3) more than 35 times in a year and the PM10 annual mean value may not exceed 40 micrograms per cubic metre (µg/m3). In some areas time extensions have been granted by DG Environment for meeting these limit values. Information about time extensions is provided by DG Environment at:

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Number of SoE reports in which topics are covered for EEA member countries, Eastern Europe, the Caucasus, Central Asia, the Russian Federation, and Western Balkans.

Data from water assessments presented in the country fiches, based on 24 reports. The total number of reports included in the assessment per region is indicated in brackets.

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Number of statistical yearbooks in which topics are covered, divided over EEA member countries, Eastern Europe, the Caucasus, Central Asia, the Russian Federation, and the Western Balkans

Data from water assessments presented in the country fiches, based on 24 reports. The number of reports included in the assessment per region is indicated in brackets.

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