
Global search on data, maps and indicators

Contribution of each land cover flow in the total amount of changes per year in mountains (100%) between 1990 and 2000 for six selected countries.

Proportion of each land cover flows in the total amount of land cover changes observed inside mountain massifs per year for six European countries.

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Annex I habitat distribution across massifs

The pie charts show the relative distribution of a number of habitats types, defined by the Annex I of the Habitats Directive, across the massifs.

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Overlaps of High Nature Value (HNV) farmland and LFA designations in Spain and Portugal

The maps shows Overlaps of HNV farmland and LFA designations in Spain and Portugal.

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Vanishing open landscape in the East Carpathians Biosphere Reserve, Slovakia

Land use development of the East Carpathians Biosphere Reserve in 3 time series (1949, 1987, 2003) identified from aerial photographs

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Distribution of Natura 2000 sites in mountains across Europe

The map shows the distribution of Natura2000 sites across European mountain massifs.

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Annual average national groundwater nitrate (mg/l NO3) by concentration class, 2008

The map shows the annual average groundwater nitrate concentrations in different European countries.

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Post-socialist land use change in the border region of Poland, Slovakia, and Ukraine

Differences in land use change (farmland abandonment and logging) among countries and ownership

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Distribution of Corine Land Cover classes in massifs (ha), 2006

The graph describes the distribution of the CLC classes in hectares according the mountain massifs of Europe

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Distribution of land cover changes in mountain massifs of EU-15 Member States (excluding Denmark, Finland, Netherlands, Sweden) and the new EU-27 Member States (excluding Cyprus, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania) in 1990-2000

Comparison of the distribution of land cover changes according to the LEAC land cover flow classification in mountain massifs, between EU-15 members (excluding Denmark, Finland, The Netherlands, Sweden) and new EU-27 members (excluding Cyprus, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania.)

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Land cover classes in the mountain area of each country as a proportion of the area of each class for all European mountains: EU-27

The graph describes the % of each CLC Class by each country withing mountain areas of EU-27 counties using as reference the proportion of the area of each class

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Land cover classes in the mountain area of each country as a proportion of national area: EU-27

The graph describes the % of each CLC Class by each country withing mountain areas of EU-27 using as reference the total national area

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Dominant landscape types in mountain areas of Europe, 2006

The maps describes the dominant landscape types (artificial dominance, dispersed urban areas, broad pattern intensive agriculture, rural mosaic and pasture, forest, open semi-natural or natural and composite

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Land cover classes in the mountain area of each country as a proportion of national area: other countries

The graph describes the % of each CLC Class by each country withing mountain areas of non EU-27 using as reference the total national area

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Average contribution of each land cover flow to the total amount of changes between 1990-2000 and 2000-2006 in European mountain massifs

Proportion of each land cover flows in the total amount of land cover changes observed in mountainous regions.

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Land cover classes in the mountain area of each country as a proportion of the area of each class for all European mountains: other countries

The graph describes the % of each CLC Class by each country withing mountain areas of non EU-27 using as reference the proportion of the area of each class

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Distribution of land cover changes in mountain massifs of EU-15 Member States (excluding Denmark, Finland, Netherlands, Sweden) and the new EU-27 Member States (excluding Cyprus, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania) in 2000-2006

Comparison of the distribution of land cover changes according to the LEAC land cover flow classification in mountain massifs, between EU-15 members (excluding Denmark, Finland, The Netherlands, Sweden) and new EU-27 members (excluding Cyprus, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania.)

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Annual diffuse agricultural emissions of nitrogen to freshwater (kg nitrogen per hectare of total land area)

The map shows the annual diffuse agricultural emissions of nitrogen to freshwater

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Growing relevance of non-state actors

This bar graphic shows the number of NGOs enjoying advisory status with the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) from 40 countries in 1948 to 3187 countries in 2008.

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International spread of environmental policies

The figure compares the proliferation of twenty-three environmental policy innovations between 1945 and 2005 across 43 OECD and Central Eastern European Countries. The colours represent adoption levels from dark blue (less than 4 countries adopting the policy) to brown (more than 40 countries adopting it). The policies are ranked by adoption rate between start year and 2005 (fastest spreading policies first).

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Environmental agreements since 1900

This horizontal bar graphic shows the numbers of bilateral (left-hand axis) and multilateral (right-hand axis) environmental agreements started each year since 1900. It distinguishes original agreements and protocols (darker orange).

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