
Global search on data, maps and indicators

Cost of oil production

Production cost comparison between arctic oil, deep and ultra-deepwater oil, heavy oil and bitumen, conventional oil

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World energy demand

World energy demand

14 Dec 2010

Total primary energy demand by fuel type (coal, oil, gas, nuclear, hydroelectric, biomass and waste, other renewable). Distinguishing 2 scenario for 2020 and 2035: IEA-450 scenario and current policies scenario.

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Selected oil and gas reserves

The bars show proved oil and natural gas reserves by country. Only countries with more than 20 billion barrels of oil are shown (top maps). Only countries with more than 3 billion cubic metres are shown (bottom maps).

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Human use of terrestrial ecosystems

Human appropriation of net primary production in percentage

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Price of fossil fuels and metals

Fuel price index and metals price index evolution from 1980 to 2010

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Share of global exports

Share of world exports evolution (1980 to 2009) for selected export regions or countries

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Shift in trade partner

Top five partners in trade of China, the European Union, the United States and Sub-Saharan Africa for 2006 and projections for 2050

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The weight of trade

The weight of trade

14 Dec 2010

Trend of exports as a percentage of gross domestic product

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Glacier mass balance of European regions, 1967–2008

The figure show cumulative mass balance of long-term monitoring programs averaged for the six European regions.

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Glacier distribution in Europe

The map shows the distribution of glaciers and ice caps as well as the locations of the available long-term mass balance observations labeled according to their region.

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Registered inventions

Registered inventions

14 Dec 2010

The bar sizes show, for each country, the number of applicants to register inventions, counted as patent families. A patent family is a set of inter-related applications on the same subject. Statistics based on patent families eliminate double counts (i.e. when the same invention is registered in different patent offices).

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Still a large gap between advanced and emerging economies

GDP per capita from 1980 to 2030

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Economic growth continues, faster in emerging economies

Trend of Gross Domestic Product in selected countries and world regions. Indexed values (index=100 in 2000).

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Patent registration trends

Trends in patent registration for selected patent offices including the 3 most popular ones (United States , Japan and China), European selected patent offices, China and Korea.

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Shortening time lapse before mass use of technological inventions

Timeline describing the ever-shortening time taken by a selection of inventions (telephone, radio, TV, Internet..) to reach a quarter of the population in the US.

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Change in temperature for the Greater Alpine Region, 1760–2007: Single years and 20-year smoothed mean series

Single years (thin lines) and 20-year smoothed means (bold lines). All values relative to 1851–2000 averages, summer and winter half-years (first row), annual means and annual range (second row).

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