
Global search on data, maps and indicators

Forest area under certification

Countries are included when the area of certified forest exceeds 10 000 ha and certified forest as proportion of total forest area exceeds 5 %.

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Refinery discharges and throughput in Europe (EU-15 +Norway)

Data is available only from EU-15 and NO; the number of refineries reporting data in 2000 were 20 % less than those in 1997.

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Urban leakage in Spain, UK and Slovenia

Loss as percentage of total public water supply.

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Distance-to-target-path for EU-15 Member States in 2005

The distance-to-target-path indicator (DTPI) measures the deviation in percentage points of actual emissions in 2005 from a (hypothetical) linear path between base-year emissions and the burden-sharing target for 2010

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Change in marine invasive alien species in eight pan-European seas

Data for the Baltic Sea is for parts of the sea with a salinity of > 5 psu

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Biodiesel and bioethanol production data (1992-2004)

For the years before 2004, data apply to the EU-15 for 2004, production of the EU-25 is taken into account

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Expenditure under the Common Agricultural Policy

2000-2006 data are budget figures agreed for Agenda 2000.

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Fertiliser consumption

Nitrogen and phosphate fertiliser consumption per agricultural land area unit

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