
Global search on data, maps and indicators

Distribution of reported data of Nationally designated areas (CDDA) - points

The map is intended to show the distribution of point locations reported for nationally designated areas

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Distribution of reported data of Nationally designated areas (CDDA) - points

The map is intended to show the distribution of point locations reported for nationally designated areas

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Indicative estimate of the distribution of energy subsidies in the EU15, 2001

These figures are based on a synthesis of existing reports and data

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Changes in final transport energy consumption in AC-13

Transport by oil pipelines and inland shipping together comprise on average less than 1 % of total transport energy consumption

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European river catchments - geographic view

This map shows the dataset European river catchments (ERC) classified by ocean

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Greenhouse gas emission targets of new EU Member States for 2008-2012 relative to base-year emissions under the Kyoto Protocol

Countries with base-years other than 1990 are Hungary (average 1985-1987), Poland (1988) and Slovenia (1986)

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Export of all colour television sets from the EU to Africa, Asia, the Middle East, United States and other European countries in 2005

Bulgaria and Romania are not included in the EU but in the 'Rest of Europe'.

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Total fertiliser consumption

International comparison

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Urban temperatures of Europe computed from Corine land cover

Smoothed artificial surfaces (10 km radius)

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CO2 emissions, space heating per m2, climate corrected

1990 and 2005 data is climate corrected against each country's long-term average climate, whereas the last series is climate corrected and scaled against the EU long-term average climate to account for temperature differences between countries.

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Coastal zone with Natura2000 land/sea connections, by NUTS3 regions

The Percentage of land/sea connections defined by Natura 2000 sites showing the results by NUTS3.

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Greenhouse gas emissions per GDP in the EU candidate countries and other EEA member countries

The analysis of the change in greenhouse gas intensity was based on GDP data at constant prices (1995 level)

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