
Global search on data, maps and indicators

The transfers of land between agriculture and forest and semi-natural cover types across Europe

This maps shows the deviation from average of the conversion between forest and seminatural areas to agriculture (1990-2000), represented by NUTSX (NUTS3, NUTS2 mainly, NUTS0 in a few cases

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Soil polluting activities from localised sources as % total sites where (preliminary or main) site investigation has been completed

(a) Liechtenstein: 'others' only refer to accidents; minor accidents are not included

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Average age of passenger cars in the EU and in selected countries

Complete data series for other acceding and candidate countries are not available.

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Passenger transport

Passenger transport

12 Nov 2009

Average external costs of transport in 1995 by transport mode and cost category (excluding congestion costs and uncovered parking costs)

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Emissions of nitrogen oxides and ammonia in 1995 at 50km resolution (tonnes of N per year)

Notes: Includes emissions from shipping in the North Sea and the north-east Altantic (Lloyd's Register of Shipping [1995]: Marine Exhaust Emission Research Programme

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Biofuels production data

Today biofuels are mainly produced as biodiesel and bioethanol

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Annual trends in the concentrations of nitrates (mg/l) monitored in groundwater (1993 to 2002)

The numbers in brackets indicate the number of groundwater bodies.

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Share of combined heat and power in gross electricity production in 2004

The most recent available data are for 2004.In Cyprus and Malta there was no CHP generation in 2004.The share is defined as the proportion of CHP electricity production (from both private and public utilities) in total gross electricity production, including generation in pumped storage power stations

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Total investments in and maintenance expenditure on transport infrastructure (AC-8) by mode, cumulative 1993-1995

AC-8 refers to Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania and Slovak Republic

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Projected change in mean seasonal and annual river flow between 2071-2100 and the reference period 1961-1990

Simulations with LISFLOOD driven by HIRHAM HadAM3H/HadCM3 based on IPCC SRES scenario A2.

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