
Global search on data, maps and indicators

Net migration required to hold working age population constant at 1995 levels in 2050

For the sake of comparison, there was a net migration of about 8.8 million into the EU and about 3.3 million into the Russian Federation during the 1990s.

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Road transport gains market share

Liechtenstein is not included due to a lack of data.

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Estimated share of petrol cars fitted with a catalytic converter in the EU in 1990 and 2001

No recent data are available for the acceding and candidate countries, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.

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Reductions in SO2 emissions from public electricity and heat production in the EU-15

Emissions data for Luxembourg are not available and so this country is not included in the calculation for the European Union

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Emission intensity of carbon dioxide from public conventional thermal power production

Emissions intensity is calculated as the amount of pollutant produced (in tonnes) from the public electricity and heat production divided by the output of electricity and heat (in toe) from these plants.

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Fuel input to CHP plants in EU-27 and EEA countries in 2006

No data available for Malta, Liechtenstein and Switzerland

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Regional share of Natura 2000 habitats that depend on a continuation of extensive farming practices within Natura 2000 sites

The map shows that only a few NUTS areas have more than 50% share of targeted agricultural habitats within their Natura 2000 sites

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