
Global search on data, maps and indicators

World share of forest area, 2005

International comparisons

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Regions affected by high nitrate concentration in the groundwater

Note: Map based on maps provided by National Focal Points.

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Percentage of artificial coastline length by NUTS3 regions (2004)

Distribution of the artificial coastline along the European coasts by NUTS3 coastal segments.

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Mean winter (December-March) NAO index 1864-2007

Positive indicates stronger western flow.

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Production volumes of industrial chemicals relative to GDP for EU-15 Member-States 1995-2005

The indicator is compiled for 168 toxic chemicals using production quantities collected pursuant to the Prodcom Regulation (Council Regulation (EEC) No 3924/91 on the establishment of a Community survey of industrial production)

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Projected temperature changes in Europe up to 2080

Note: Temperature change (degrees Celcius)

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Land cover changes in 0-10 km coastal zone of European regional seas (1990-2000)

During the last decade important land use and land cover changes can be observed in the 10 kilometres coastal strip in the five European Regional seas

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