
Global search on data, maps and indicators

Absolute gaps (over-delivery or shortfall) between greenhouse gas projections and 2010 targets for EU-15 Member States

In July 2007, Spain adopted a Plan of Urgent Measures against Climate Change

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Forest fires 1998-2002, based on satellite observations

Note: This map is based on satellite observations of all types of fires, with non-forest fires filtered out as far as possible

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Figure 1: Changes in emissions of heavy metals (t/year) from urban sources in selected European countries between 1985 and 1999.

Only countries with data from all periods included: Switzerland, Germany, Denmark, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden.

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Sprawl of urban and other artificial land development, 1990-2000

Sprawl along transport axes and the coastline

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Contribution to total change in acidifying pollutant emissions for each sector and pollutant (EEA member countries)

Contribution to change plots show the contribution to the total emission change between 1990-2005 made by a specified sector/ pollutant

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Afforestation in Europe, 1990-2000

Spain and Portugal

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Soil map

Soil map

12 Nov 2009

Map presentation of Corine European soil database version 2.

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Present concentration of nitrate in lakes in European countries, 2003

The number of lake monitoring stations in each country is given in brackets

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Observed global and European annual average temperature deviations, 1850-2007

The source of the original data is the Climatic Research Unit of the University of East Anglia

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