
Global search on data, maps and indicators

Monthly ozone concentrations 2004

Averaged values for 2004

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Number of reported deaths and minimum and maximum temperature in Paris during the heatwave in summer 2003

Notes: Reported deaths (bars on left axis), temperature (lines, right axis).

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Elasticity of transport demand with respect to fuel price

Economic elasticity is the proportional change in one variable relative to the proportional change in another

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Emission trends of acidifying pollutants

The 'with measures' (WM) projections reported by Member States take into account currently implemented and adopted policies and measures

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Percentage of ecosystems protected from impact of eutrophication

Percentage of ecosystems protected from impact of eutrophication through atmospheric deposition of nitrogen

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Common European Chorological Grid Reference System (CGRS)

Map of CGRS grid covering Pan Europe and North Africa

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Total SO2 emissions by mode, including shipping and aviation (for all EEA members except Cyprus)

The figure shows the total emission of sulphur by transport in the EEA area

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Biodegradable Municipal Waste landfilled in 2003 compared to generation in 1995

* Marks countries with different target years (2010, 2013, 2020)

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