
Global search on data, maps and indicators

Fishing mortality of Northeast Arctic cod stocks

This figure shows fishing mortality of Northeast Arctic cod stocks between 1946 and 2005

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Exceedance of the EU human health threshold value for ozone in EEA18 urban areas

The threshold for ground level ozone is currently set at eight hours at a mean concentration of 110?3

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Anthropogenic emissions of heavy metals in the EMEP region

Anthropogenic emissions of heavy metals in the EMEP region

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Projected global average sea-level rise 1990-2100

Six SRES scenarios are shown

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Loss of land from agriculture to artificial surfaces by NUTS regions

This maps shows the deviation from average of the urban sprawl (1990-2000), represented by NUTSX (NUTS3, NUTS2 mainly, NUTS0 in a few cases)

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Built-up area in the 0-1 km coastal strip versus the entire 10 km coastal zone (1990-2000)

Growth of urban artificial surfaces on the coastal zone of Europe has continued

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Annual quantities of spent fuel from nuclear power plants in EU countries between 1990 and 2002

The vast majority of highly radioactive waste consists of spent fuel and spent fuel reprocessing wastes

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