
Global search on data, maps and indicators

Total and sectoral energy-related emissions of tropospheric ozone precursors, EU-25 (weighted by tropospheric ozone formation potential, ktonnes)

The graphs above show the emissions of ozone precursors (methane CH4; carbon monoxide CO; non-methane volatile organic compounds NMVOCs; and nitrogen oxides NOx) each weighted by a factor prior to aggregation to represent their respective tropospheric ozone formation potential (TOFP)

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Emissions of primary PM10 and secondary fine particulates (PM10), EU15

Primary and secondary fine particulates are aggregated in this indicator, by using aerosol formation factors for secondary particles as follows: SO 2 0.54; NO x 0.88 and NH 3 0.64 (see ETC/AQ, 2000)

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Total energy intensity 1995-2006 (index 1995=100), relative energy intensity (as PPS) and per capita consumption

The year for the reference index value is 1995 because GDP was not available for all EU countries in 1990

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Projected percentage change in per capita electricity consumption from 2006 to 2030

Projected percentage change in per capita electricity consumption from 2006 to 2030

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International tourism by mode for selected countries, 1995

The lack of time series is a weakness for analysing this data

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State of proposals for protected sites under the EC Habitats Directive (as of September 2004)

Bars show the degree to which Member States have proposed sites that are considered sufficient to protect the habitats and species mentioned in Habitats Directive Annex I and II (situation September 2004) (marine species and habitats are not considered).

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Share of surface transport modes in 2000

The figure shows the share of different surface transport modes in 2000, including the non-motorised modes

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Corine land cover changes 1990 - 2000 by country

Corine land cover changes 1990 - 2000 data are not available for Cyprus, Finland, Malta and Sweden.

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Evolution of the vehicle fleet in the EEA-30, 1990-2000

The above figures refer to EEA-30 (all Member States excluding Liechtenstein)

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