
Global search on data, maps and indicators

Fuel use and CO2 emissions from heating in European households

Climate change mitigation chapter SOER 2010

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Mean surface temperature in Europe 1850–2009, annual and by season

Climate change mitigation chapter SOER 2010

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CO2 emissions from diesel and  gasoline in the EU-27, 1990–2008

Climate change mitigation chapter SOER 2010

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Overview of top decreasing/increasing GHG sources in the EU–27, 1990–2008

Climate change mitigation chapter SOER 2010

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Global CO2 emissions, 1860–2006

Climate change mitigation chapter SOER 2010

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Trends in global greenhouse gas emissions and per capita in Annex I and non-Annex I countries, 1970–2005

The figures shows the trends in GHG emission and per capita. Climate change mitigation chapter SOER 2010

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Global greenhouse gas emissions per capita, 2005

The figure shows the global greenhouse gas emission per capita Climate change mitigation chapter SOER 2010

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Global greenhouse gas emissions, 2005

Climate change mitigation chapter SOER 2010

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Absolute GHG emissions in the EU-27, 1970–2009

Climate change mitigation chapter SOER 2010

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Dieselisation in the EEA

The graph shows development of dieselisation, defined as the percentage share of diesel cars in the total passenger car fleet, in 1995 and 2009.

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Passenger car ownership in the EEA

The graph shows development of passenger cars ownership, defined as number of passenger cars per 1 000 inhabitants, in 1995, 2005, 2007 and 2009.

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Average age of road vehicles

The graph shows the average age of passenger cars, light-duty vehicles, heavy duty vehicles, two-wheelers and buses, in 1995 and 2009.

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Truck intensity in the EEA

The graph shows development of truck intensity, defined as number of trucks per million euro GDP, in 1995 and 2009.

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