
Global search on data, maps and indicators

Distance-to-target for the environmental objectives set for the protection of human health, 2008

Frequency distribution of the ozone 26th highest maximum daily running 8-hour mean; the target value set in the AQ Directive is 120 ug/m3 (reference period 2008; based on all available operational ozone stations reported to AirBase)

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Difference in O3 impact indicators of human health (SOMO35), and ecosystems (AOT40), in 2005 as a result of the introduction of Euro vehicle emission standards in road transport

Difference in O3 impact indicators of human health (SOMO35) (left), and ecosystems (AOT40) (right map), in 2005 as a result of the introduction of Euro vehicle emission standards in road transport

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The modelled effects of introducing road vehicle emissions standards and the LCP/IPPC Directives for large combustion plants on PM2.5 concentrations in Europe in 2005

The modelled effects of introducing road vehicle emissions standards (left) and the LCP/IPPC directives for large combustion plants (right) on PM2.5 concentrations in Europe in 2005

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Sources of selected air pollutants in 2008 for EEA-32 and Western Balkan countries

Sources of selected air pollutants in EEA-32 and West Balkan countries, 2008.

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Estimated impact of different factors on the reduction in emissions of NOX and SO2 from public electricity and heat production, EEA-32, 1990–2008

The charts show the estimated contributions of various factors affecting emissions from public electricity and heat production including public thermal, nuclear, hydro and wind plants. The top line represents the hypothetical development of emissions that would have occurred due to increasing public heat and electricity production between 1990 and 2006, if the structure and performance of electricity and heat production had remained unchanged. However, there were a number of changes to sector’s structure that tended to reduce emissions, and the contributions of each of these factors to the emission reduction are shown. The cumulative effect of all these changes was that emissions actually followed the trend shown by the lower bars.

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Past and projected emissions of the main air pollutants and primary particulate matter. EEA-32 + Western Balkan countries

Past and projected emissions of the main air pollutants CO, NMVOC, NOx, NH3 PM2.5 and SOx

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Years of life lost (YOLL) in EEA countries due to PM2.5 pollution, 2005

Health impact caused by exposure top PM2.5.

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Population-weighted concentrations of PM10 and O3 in urban agglomerations of more than 250 000 inhabitants in EU-27

Urban air quality is of major concern. The high density of population and of economic activities in urban areas results in increased emissions, ambient concentrations and exposure. The Structural Indicator for urban air quality is presented which comprises two sub-elements describing the annual variations in population weighted health-relevant concentrations of (1) ozone and (2) particulate matter (PM10) in ambient air in urban areas.

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Indexed trends in air quality

"Annual mean concentrations of air pollutants in urban areas" Indexed trend in annual mean urban air quality over the period 1997-2008 (reference year 1997). All urban and suburban background stations operational (that is at least reporting over 9 years with a yearly coverage of at least 274 days) during the period 1997-2008 are included. A general, Europe-wide averaged picture is shown, with a bias towards regions with high station density.

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Transport emissions of ozone precursors in EEA member countries

Transport emissions of ozone precursors (CH4, CO, NMVOC, NOx) in EEA member countries. The transport emissions data include all of road transport and other transport/mobile sources, less the memo items, which include international aviation (LTO (Landing and Take Off) and cruise) and international marine (international sea traffic- bunkers).

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Transport emissions of primary and secondary particulates in EEA member countries

Transport emissions of emissions of primary and secondary particulates (NH3, NOx, PM10, PM2.5, SOx) in EEA member countries. The transport emissions data include all of road transport and other transport/mobile sources, less the memo items, which include international aviation (LTO (Landing and Take Off) and cruise) and international marine (international sea traffic- bunkers).

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Transport emissions of acidifying substances in EEA member countries

Transport emissions of acidifying substances (NOx, SOx, NH3) in EEA member countries. The transport emissions data include all of road transport and other transport/mobile sources, less the memo items, which include international aviation (LTO (Landing and Take Off) and cruise) and international marine (international sea traffic- bunkers).

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Total GHG emissions from transport

EU-15 refers to 15 old EU Member States prior to May 2004 (Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom), EFTA-3 to the three EFTA countries (Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland), New EU-12 to 12 new EU Member States as of January 2007 (Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia) and CC-2 to the two candidate countries Turkey and Iceland.

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National parks and nature reserves in Iceland

Map of Iceland showing parks/reserves, plus elevation, major roads and tracks

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Area classified and mountain area

The maps give an overview of areas classified under Less Favoured Areas articles and mountain areas.

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Annual mean air temperature and thawing degree days from May to September at Latnjajaure, northern Sweden

The graph shows the annual mean air temperature (black dots and regression line) and thawing degree days (TDD; bar plot), i.e. temperature sum > 0°C, from May to September at Latnjajaure, northern Sweden, during 1993–2008.

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Natural and environmental assets

The maps show the natural and environmental assets for the EU-27.

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Proportion of mountain protected area within nationally designated areas, Natura 2000 sites, or both

The chart shows the proportion of only NDA, only Natura 2000 and their overlaps in Europe Countries for all countries with data

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National percentage of area covered by Natura 2000 sites inside and outside mountains by country, and of area covered by mountains

The graph shows a comparison at national level of percentage of area covered by Natura2000 sites inside and outside mountains, as well as the percentage of mountainous areas by country.

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