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Air pollution in Europe: 2023 reporting status under the National Emission reduction Commitments Directive

Air pollution in Europe: 2023 reporting status under the National Emission reduction Commitments Directive

Briefing Published 28 Jun 2023 Last modified 11 Jun 2024
15 min read
Photo: © Laila from Pixabay
This briefing describes the progress made by the EU and its Member States towards reducing emissions of the five main air pollutants regulated under the National Emission reduction Commitments Directive. It presents an assessment of Member State performance against the emission reduction commitments for 2020-2029 as well as their progress towards achieving the more ambitious reduction commitments that will apply from 2030 onward. The briefing also presents the trends for a broader range of air pollutants and the sources of their emissions in Europe. The briefing is based on the latest available data reported by Member States in 2023 for their 2021 emissions.
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The country assessments are the sole responsibility of the EEA member and cooperating countries supported by the EEA through guidance, translation and editing.