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Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a group of over 4,700 widely used synthetic chemicals that persist in the environment. Because of their widespread use and persistent properties, they can be found in the environment, humans, animals, food and feed.
The majority of monitoring data are available for two substances in this group: perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS). Monitoring activities have detected PFAS across the world — even in snow on Mount Everest (Miner et al., 2021). PFAS have been identified in surface water in a number of European countries, such as Austria, France, Germany, the Netherlands and Sweden (Munoz et al., 2015; Pramanik, 2015; Sahlin, 2017; WHO Europe, 2017; Brandsma et al., 2019); and in other media such as rainwater (Cousins et al., 2022); groundwater (Bunting et al., 2021); soils and wild bird eggs (Groffen et al., 2017); predatory birds and mammals (Androulakakis et al., 2022); and fish (Surma et al., 2021). The levels of PFOS in rainwater in Europe have been found to exceed the EU’s environmental quality standard for surface waters (Cousins et al., 2022). In addition, the production and use of PFAS has contaminated drinking water supplies in several European countries (EEA, 2019). PFAS have also been detected in human blood (Göckener et al., 2020; HBM4EU, 2022) and breast milk (Serrano et al., 2021).
Of the relatively few well-studied PFAS, most are considered moderately to highly toxic. The adverse health impacts of PFAS include endocrine, immune, reproductive and developmental effects (EEA, 2019) (see Figure 1). It is not just individual PFAS that are harmful: combined exposure to mixtures of PFAS — also known as the ‘cocktail effect’ — adds to the health pressures as explained in the zero pollution ‘Signal’ on chemical mixtures. Human exposure to PFAS has been estimated to cost €52-84 billion in annual health costs in Europe (Goldenman et al., 2019).
Source: EEA (2019).
Animals may also be affected by PFAS, but fewer studies have documented these impacts. Once in the environment, PFAS pollution is very difficult and costly to remove; often, the clean-up bill and the health costs fall on society.
PFAS are widely used in building and consumer products, medicines and pesticides, and vehicles and energy production because of their appealing technical properties, whereby they resist heat, oil, grease and water. This results in emissions throughout the life cycles of these products, including from production, manufacturing, product use and waste management (Figure 2).
Source: ETC/WMGE (2021).
Large-scale environmental pollution has been found in Europe around PFAS production and manufacturing plants, such as in Antwerp, Belgium (Vito, 2022), and Dordrecht, the Netherlands (Gebbink and van Leeuwen, 2020). At the Antwerp site, the PFAS pollution is mainly from PFOS, a so-called ‘long-chain’ PFAS that accumulates in people and other organisms. PFOS is now largely banned but remains in the environment because it is so persistent. Long-chain PFAS have been substituted by so-called ‘short-chain’ PFAS that are less bioaccumulative in people. The pollution around the Dordrecht facility in the Netherlands stems from GenX, which is an example of a short-chain PFAS. It is highly water soluble and persistent, meaning that it bioaccumulates in aquatic environments. GenX provides an example of regrettable substitution as detailed in the zero pollution ‘Signal’ on regrettable substitution.
PFAS emissions from industrial installations to wastewater may be substantial. While larger industrial facilities have treatment plants, smaller factories may discharge wastewater to municipal treatment plants. In these cases, PFAS can end up in sewage sludge, which may subsequently be spread on agricultural land, potentially leading to the contamination of food. In Baden-Württemberg, Germany, mixtures of paper sludge and compost contaminated with PFAS from a paper factory were applied to farmed land over a period of several years leading to the contamination of agricultural land, groundwater, surface water and drinking water (BMUV, 2022).
Industrial waste sites are also a source of PFAS emissions. In addition, incinerating PFAS products can cause pollution if the treatment temperature is too low. Moreover, smouldering electronic and other waste can form toxic fumes that include PFAS (Lohmann et al., 2020).
PFAS-based firefighting foams are also responsible for significant contamination in Europe. For example, in 2013 drinking water supplies to one third of the households in Ronneby, southern Sweden, were found to be highly contaminated by PFAS originating from firefighting foams used at a nearby military airport. Levels of perfluorohexanoic acid (PFHxA) and PFOS in the blood of members of the exposed community were found to be a hundredfold higher than general population (Xu et al., 2021). PFAS contamination was also identified as an environment and health risk at three firefighting training sites in Finland (Reinikainen et al., 2022) and at the locations of firefighting operations and training in Germany (BMUV, 2022).
People may be exposed to PFAS from multiple sources — such as using products containing PFAS or via food and water, contamination in the environment, industrial production processes or food packaging. Indoors, PFAS are emitted into the air from products, textiles, cleaning agents, sprays, cosmetics and personal care products, the heating of certain products (such as popcorn bags), and building materials.
The people likely to be most at risk are workers who are in repeated contact with PFAS — either directly or via air, aerosols, dust or ingesting food during the workday. This includes workers in PFAS-producing plants, those using specific products for manufacturing (such as hard-chrome plating) and those applying the product professionally (e.g. in firefighting equipment and ski wax) EEA (2019).
The HBM4EU project recently investigated levels of PFAS in the blood of teenagers from across Europe and detected PFAS in the blood of all individuals sampled – with the contamination mainly caused by substances that have already been banned, but that are extremely persistent (Weise et al., 2022). Figure 3 presents the share of teenagers with combined blood levels of four PFAS (PFOA, perfluorononanoic acid (PFNA), perfluorohexane sulfonic acid (PFHxS) and PFOS) above 6.9 µg/L. When an individual exhibits blood levels above this threshold, it implies that they have exceeded EFSA’s guideline value for the tolerable weekly intake of the four PFAS - the maximum intake in food that can be consumed weekly over a lifetime without risking adverse health effects (Schrenk et al., 2020). In all nine countries a share of teenagers had blood levels of PFAS above the health-based guidance value, ranging from 1% in Spain to 24% in France (Lobo Vicente et al., forthcoming). Average blood levels were significantly higher in northern and western Europe than in southern and eastern Europe. Boys had higher PFAS blood levels than girls, and higher levels were found in teenagers from households with a higher education level. In addition, higher PFAS blood levels were linked to the consumption of fish, seafood, eggs, offal and locally produced food (Richterová et al., 2023). On average, 14% of the teenagers showed blood levels of PFASs above the guidance value (HBM4EU, 2022).
Source: Lobo Vicente et al., forthcoming.
Once the persistence and toxicity of PFOS and PFOA became known, industrial initiatives to substitute these substances and regulatory restrictions on production and use led to changes in human exposure. In 2006, the marketing and use of PFOS was restricted in the EU under the Dangerous Substances Directive, with this restriction now transferred to the Regulation concerning the registration, evaluation, authorisation and restriction of chemicals (REACH). Later in 2009, PFOS was added to the list of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) targeted for elimination under the Stockholm Convention, with PFOA added in 2019. Both PFOS and PFOA are also restricted under the POPs Regulation.
Evidence from the German Environmental Survey shows how changing use patterns reduced citizens’ exposure to PFOS and PFOA in Germany over the period 1982 to 2019 (Figure 4). Levels of PFOS and PFOA in young adults have declined by as much as 90% and 70%, respectively, compared with the highest levels in 1986 (Göckener et al., 2020, Schröter-Kermani et al., 2013). Nevertheless, PFOA and PFOS were consistently detected in every single sample and sometimes exceeded health-based guidance values, demonstrating how persistent chemicals remain problematic long after they are banned.
Note: This presents the geometric mean value, normalised to the value measured in 1986. Hence the value for 1986 = 100%.
Sources: Göckener et al. (2020); Schröter-Kermani et al. (2013).
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As mentioned above, PFAS are regulated at global level under the Stockholm Convention, with a broader range of restrictions in place at EU level under the POPs Regulation and REACH (ECHA, 2022a).
The EU’s chemicals strategy for sustainability recommends avoiding all non-essential uses of PFAS across the EU; this is in line with the zero pollution hierarchy, which prioritises ‘prevention’. The strategy also calls for the restriction of PFAS as a ‘group’ of chemicals. In tandem, the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) recently prepared a proposal to ban all PFAS from firefighting foams (ECHA, 2022b). Five Member States are also working on a proposal that would ban PFAS in many other use cases across the EU under REACH (RIVM, 2022).
In parallel, the EU has set limits for groups of PFAS under the 2020 Drinking Water Directive. Most recently, the Commission proposed to include PFAS in the lists of water pollutants to be controlled in surface waters and groundwater under the Water Framework Directive, the Groundwater Directive and the Environmental Quality Standards Directive (EC, 2022).
Androulakakis, A., et al., 2022, ‘Determination of 56 per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances in top predators and their prey from Northern Europe by LC-MS/MS’, Chemosphere 287, 131775 (
BMUV, 2022, Guidelines for PFAS assessment: recommendations for the uniform nationwide assessment of soil and water contamination and for the disposal of soil material containing PFAS, Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz, nukleare Sicherheit und Verbraucherschutz ( accessed 25 October 2022.
Brandsma, S. H. et al., 2019, ‘The PFOA substitute GenX detected in the environment near a fluoropolymer manufacturing plant in the Netherlands’, Chemosphere 220, pp. 493-500 (
Bunting, S. Y., et al., 2021, ‘Emerging organic compounds in European groundwater’, Environmental Pollution 269, 115945 (
Cousins, I. T., et al., 2022, ‘Outside the safe operating space of a new planetary boundary for per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS)’, Environmental Science and Technology 56(16), pp. 11172-11179 (
EC, 2022, ‘Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Directive 2000/60/EC establishing a framework for Community action in the field of water policy, Directive 2006/118/EC on the protection of groundwater against pollution and deterioration and Directive 2008/105/EC on environmental quality standards in the field of water policy’, Brussels, 26.10.2022 COM(2022) 540 final 2022/0344 ( accessed 13 November 2022.
ECHA, 2022a, ‘Perfluoroalkyl chemicals (PFASs)’, ( accessed 11 November 2022.
ECHA, 2022b, ‘Proposal to ban ‘forever chemicals’ in firefighting foams throughout the EU’, European Chemicals Agency’, ( accessed 5 September 2022.
EEA, 2019, Emerging chemical risks in Europe — PFAS, European Environment Agency ( accessed 6 September 2022.
ETC/WMGE, 2021, Fluorinated polymers in a low carbon, circular and toxic-free economy, ETC/WMGE Report 2021/9, European Topic Centre on Waste and Materials in a Green Economy ( accessed 25 October 2022.
Gebbink, W. A. and van Leeuwen, S. P. J., 2020, ‘Environmental contamination and human exposure to PFASs near a fluorochemical production plant: review of historic and current PFOA and GenX contamination in the Netherlands’, Environment International 137(2020), 105583 (
Göckener, B., et al., 2020, ‘Human biomonitoring of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in German blood plasma samples from 1982 to 2019’, Environment International 145, 106123 (
Goldenman, G., et al., 2019, ‘The cost of inaction: A socioeconomic analysis of environmental and health impacts linked to exposure to PFAS’, Nordic Council of Ministers, ( accessed 11 November 2022).
Groffen, T., et al., 2017, ‘Perfluoroalkylated acids in the eggs of great tits (Parus major) near a fluorochemical plant in Flanders, Belgium’, Environmental Pollution 228, pp. 140-148 (
HBM4EU, 2022, PFAS policy brief ( accessed 29 September 2022.
Lobo Vicente et al., forthcoming, ‘HBM4EU results support the Chemicals’ Strategy for Sustainability and the Zero-Pollution Action Plan’,International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, 247.
Lohmann, R., et al., 2020, ‘Are fluoropolymers really of low concern for human and environmental health and separate from other PFAS?’, Environmental Science and Technology 54(20), pp. 12820-12828 (
Miner, K. R., et al., 2021, ‘Deposition of PFAS “forever chemicals” on Mt. Everest’, Science of the Total Environment 759, p. 144421 (
Munoz, G., et al., 2015, ‘Spatial distribution and partitioning behavior of selected poly- and perfluoroalkyl substances in freshwater ecosystems: a French nationwide survey’, Science of the Total Environment 517, pp. 48-56 (
Pramanik, B. P., 2015, ‘Occurrence of perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances in the water environment and their removal in a water treatment process’, Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination 5(2), pp. 196-210 (
RIVM, 2022, ‘PFAS restriction proposal’, Netherlands National Institute for Public Health and the Environment ( accessed 5 September 2022.
Reinikainen, J., et al., 2022, ‘The occurrence, distribution, and risks of PFAS at sites impacted by firefighting foams’, Science of the Total Environment 829, pp. 154237, (
Richterová, D., et al., 2023, ‘PFAS levels and determinants of variability in exposure in European teenagers–Results from the HBM4EU aligned studies (2014–2021)’, International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, 247, pp.114057, (
Sahlin, S., 2017, PFAS in the Baltic Sea region: inventory of awareness, actions and strategies related to highly fluorinated substances, PFAS, including PFOS,Policy Area Hazards, EUSBSR, Swedish Environmental Protection Agency ( accessed 25 October 2022.
Serrano, L., et al., 2021, ‘Concentrations of perfluoroalkyl substances in donor breast milk in Southern Spain and their potential determinants’, International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health 236, p. 113796 (
Schrenk, D., et al., 2020, ‘Risk to human health related to the presence of perfluoroalkyl substances in food, EFSA Panel on Contaminants in the Food Chain’, EFSA Journal, 18(9), pp. 6223 (
Schröter-Kermani, C., et al., 2013, ‘Retrospective monitoring of perfluorocarboxylates and perfluorosulfonates in human plasma archived by the German Environmental Specimen Bank’, International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, 216(6), pp.633, (
Surma, M., et al., 2021, ‘Perfluoroalkyl substance contamination levels of pike (Esox luciusL.) and roach (Rutilus rutilusL.) from selected Masurian lakes in Eastern Europe’, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 40(12), pp. 3317-3327 (
Vito, 2022, Studie naar PFAS in lucht en deposities in de omgeving van 3M en Zwijndrecht, 2022/HEALTH/R/2680, VITO NV (,Studie%20naar%20PFAS%20in%20lucht%20en%20deposities%20in%20de%20omgeving,3M%2Dsite%20en%20de%20Oosterweelwerf) accessed 25 October 2022.
WHO Europe, 2017, Keeping our water clean: the case of water contamination in the Veneto region, Italy, World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe ( accessed 25 October 2022.
Weise, P., et al., 2022, Human Biomonitoring for Europe (HBM4EU)-first insights into the results of the initiative. Bundesgesundheitsblatt, Gesundheitsforschung, Gesundheitsschutz, 65(9), pp.936-939(
Xu, Y., et al., 2021, ‘Serum perfluoroalkyl substances in residents following long-term drinking water contamination from firefighting foam in Ronneby, Sweden’, Environment international, 147, pp.106333 (
Cover image source: © Matjaz Krivic, Well with Nature /EEA
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