
Nature protection and biodiversity - Outlook 2020 (Croatia)

SOER 2010 Common environmental theme (Deprecated)
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SOER Common environmental theme from Croatia
Published: 26 Nov 2010 Modified: 17 Feb 2025

The biological, landscape and geological diversity is an essential Croatian asset and the major resource for future development. Croatia's aim is to preserve and improve the existing biological and landscape diversity of the country, and to attempt to recover, where possible and justified, some of the lost taxa and habitats. All activities needed for full transposition and implementation of the EU directives and regulations that regulate protection of wild taxa and natural habitats shall be pursued. The priorities for the future are firmly linked to the process of the Croatia's accession to the European Union. As regards nature protection, the priorities are particularly related to full harmonisation of legislation, including setting up of implementation mechanisms and Croatian contribution to the EU ecological network NATURA 2000 [1].

Protection and conservation of biological diversity, considering all the businesses that use or impact the biological assets, shall be accomplished by implementation of the strategic guidelines and objectives detailed in the Strategy [3].




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