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Modelled precipitation change between 1980-1999 and 2080-2099

Left: annual; middle: winter (DJF); right summer (JJA) changes % for the IPCC-SRES A1B emission scenario averaged over 21 models (MMD-A1B simulations).

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Projected no. of growing days

Note: Growing season is defined here as the number of consecutive days per year with average temperatures of more than 5 degrees Celcius.

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Road transport's share increases strongly in EU-10

Note: Road freight transport is assigned to the country of origin of the transport vehicle in EU statistics rather than to where the vehicles drive

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Biodegradable municipal waste landfilled as a percentage of total generation of biodegradable municipal waste, EU countries or regions, 1995?1998

100 % is the generation of biodegradable municipal waste in 1995 (this is the reason for the possibility of values over 100 %)

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Emissions of NOx from road transport from 2000 to 2050

road transport include light-duty vehicles, freight trucks, buses, and 2-3 wheelers

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Total stored amount of high level waste

No information has been included for Bulgaria due to a lack of data.

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Total AC transport greenhouse gas emission 1990-2000

For some Accession Countries for some gases data gaps have been filled by interpolation or using previous year emissions

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Average annual growth rates in total energy consumption by fuel, EU-25

Other energy consumption is not included in the chart as the share is small (e.g

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Indicative estimate of the distribution of energy subsidies in the EU-15, 2001

These figures are based on a synthesis of existing reports and data

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