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Material resources and waste — SOER 2010 thematic assessment

Global search on data, maps and indicators

Key industrial air pollutant and GHG emissions for EEA-33 in 2007 to 2016 by industry sector

Key industrial air pollutant and GHG emissions for EEA-33 in 2007 to 2016 by industry sector

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Country comparison - Implied emission factors for SO2 emissions from LCPs burning predominantly solid fuel in 2005, 2010 and 2015

Country comparison Implied emission factors for SO2 emissions from LCPs burning predominantly solid fuel in 2005, 2010 and 2015

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Air pollutant and GHG emissions as a percentage of total EEA-33 pollutant emissions in 2016, by industry sector

Air pollutant and GHG emissions as a percentage of total EEA-33 pollutant emissions in 2016

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Change in quiet areas between 2012 and 2017, for selected cities

Data submited by countries up to 01/01/2019

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Total number of policies and measures with ex post savings reported in the EU-28 (left) and by country (right)

Total number of policies and measures with ex post reported by countries in 2015, 2017, 2019

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Total number of policies and measures with ex ante savings reported in the EU-28 (left) and by country (right)

Total number of policies and measures with ex ante reported by countries in 2015, 2017, 2019

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Trends in waste generation (excluding major mineral wastes), economic development and population, EEA-33

The figure shows the generation of total waste excluding major mineral waste compared to the developments in GDP and population.

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Resource productivity in Europe, 2000, 2008 and 2017

Comparison of resource productivity, country by country, ordered from highest to lowest in 2017

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Trend in materials use by type of material, EU-28, 2000-2018

Use of materials in EU28, 2000-2017, by four categories of materials

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EU urban population exposed to air pollutant concentrations above selected EU air quality standards and WHO AQ guidelines

The rationale for selection of pollutants and corresponding WHO guidelines is given in the specification section of indicator CSI 004.

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Country comparison of the PM2.5 concentrations in 2017

The graph is based on annual mean concentration PM2.5 values. For each country, together with the number of stations considered, the lowest, highest and median values (in µg/m3) recorded at its stations are given. The rectangles mark the 25th and 75th percentiles. At 25 % of the stations, levels are below the lower percentile; at 25 % of the stations, concentrations are above the upper percentile. The limit value set by EU legislation is marked by the upper horizontal line. The WHO AQG is marked by the lower horizontal line.

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Value added and employment in EU-28: total economy vs EGSS

Trend in employment and gross value added

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Emission reductions in 2030 relative to 2005 for the REF and CEP scenarios (EU-28)

Emission reduction for main air pollutants in 2030 relative to 2005

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EU progress in meeting 2010 emission ceilings set out in the NEC Directive and the 2020/2030 reduction commitments

National Emission Ceilings Directive: Progress in meeting the 2010 emission ceilingsand the 2020 as well as 2030 reduction commitments.

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EU-28 emissions, 2000-2016 (% of 2000 levels)

Evolution of main air pollutant emissions and of the gross domestic product (GDP) in the EU-28; Values for 2000-2017 are expressed as percentage of 2000 levels. GDP is expressed in chain linked volumes (2010), as percentage of the 2000 level. Methane (CH4) emissions are total emissions (Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control sectors 1-7) excluding sector 5: Land-use, land-use change and forestry. The present emission inventories include only anthropogenic non-methane volatile organic compound (NMVOC) emissions.

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Primary and final energy consumption in the EU, 2005-2016, 2020 and 2030 targets and 2050 indicative levels of the EU Energy Roadmap

The solid line shows the development of primary energy consumption and final energy consumption. The dashed lines show the linear trajectories until 2030 and to the 2050 scenario results from the Commission's 2050 long term strategy.

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Projected welfare impacts of climate change for different EU regions and sectors for two emissions scenarios

This figure 23 the welfare losses (as percentage of GDP) for the six sectoral impacts in the five European regions and the EU-28 in both the high warming and the 2° C scenarios. The EU welfare loss under the high warming scenario is estimated to be around 1.9% of GDP (€240 bn) and could be reduced by approximately 2/3 in the 2° C scenario (€79 bn).

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Share of EU energy consumption from renewable sources, 2005–2050

The solid line shows the development of the share of renewables in EU energy consumption based on historic data. The dashed lines show expected progress to 2020 based on projection data. The dots illustrate the 2020, 2030 targets.The 2050 scenario range illustrates the an average of eight scenarios published in the Commission's 2050 long term strategy.

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EU part of the regional sea surface area (km2) and the area covered by MPAs in 2016 (dark colour and in %)

EU part of the regional sea surface area (km2) and the area covered by MPAs in 2016 (dark colour and in %)

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