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Material resources and waste — SOER 2010 thematic assessment

Global search on data, maps and indicators

Economic damage caused by climate-related extreme events

Economic damage caused by weather and climate-related extreme events

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Timelines for achieving good environmental staus as reported by members states

Timelines for achieving good environmental staus as reported by members states

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Global average near surface temperature since the pre-industrial period

Global average near surface temperature since the pre-industrial period

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Drivers of GHG emission reductions in the EU-28, 1990-2017

Drivers of GHG emission reductions from 1990 to 2017.

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GHG emissions by main sector in the EU-28, 1990-2017

GHG emissions by main sector from 1990 to 2016.

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GHG emissions trends and projections in the EU-28, 1990-2035

Historic trends from 1990 to 2017 are represented in solid lines. Projections until 2035 are represented in dashed lines. The upper line represents the scenario "with existing measures", while the lower line represents the scenario "with additional measures". EU targets and objectives for 2020, 2030 and 2050 are represented as bullets.

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Trend in the status of stocks assessment and the progress made in GES assessment in the North East Atlantic and Baltic Sea since 1945

This figure shows trends in the status of assessed fish stocks between 1947 and 2017, expressed in two metrics: fishing mortality (F) and reproductive capacity (i.e. spawning stock biomass (SSB)). It reflects their average deviation relative to policy thresholds for Good Environmental Status (GES) (i.e. Fmsy and MSY B trigger respectively)*. For fishing mortality, 1 is a target (Fmsy), above which exploitation is unsustainable, while for reproductive capacity, 1 is a precautionary limit (MSY B trigger), below which there is a high risk that it is impaired.

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Sea surface temperature

Time series of annual average sea surface temperature (°C), referenced to the average temperature between 1993 and 2012, in the global ocean and in each of the European seas.

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Country comparison - Reductions in PCB emissions per capita in EEA-33 countries

Different scales between the two figures. No data available for Liechtenstein and Switzerland. Emissions reported by Czechia, Cyprus, Malta and the Netherlands are close to zero, and Turkey reported zero PCB emissions.

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Progress towards selected waste management targets

The figure shows the landfilling rate for municipal waste by country. Each dot represents a country. The boxes represent the upper and lower quartiles, and the line in the box shows the median.

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Country comparison - Recycling rates of municipal waste, 2004 and 2017

Recycling rates of municipal waste in 2004 and 2017

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Trends in number of non-indigenous species in Europe’ seas

Cumulative number of new non-indigenous species (NIS) aggregated per 6 years in all European Seas, 1949-2017, per functional group (Invertebrates, vertebrates and primary producers, (EU + non EU)

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Mean annual productivity of the White-tailed eagle in the Baltic Proper, Swedish coastal area

Mean annual productivity of the White-tailed eagle in the Baltic Proper, Swedish coastal area

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Change in six major land cover types in the EEA-39 during the period 2000-2018

The chart shows the periodical change of land cover classes, expressed in km2 and calculated as a yearly value.

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Country comparison: land take and land recultivation in EEA39 in the period 2012-2018 (in proportion of country area).

The chart shows the area of land take and recultivation for the last Corine Land Cover observation period 2012-2018 for each EEA39 country. Both land take and recultivation are expressed in m2/km2 of the country area for the sake of comparability.

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Trends in conservation status of habitats assessed as unfavourable at EU level

The number of assessements is indicated in parentheses. The total number of assessments is 804.

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