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Material resources and waste — SOER 2010 thematic assessment

Global search on data, maps and indicators

Percentage of NUTS3 regions covered by high and very high fragmentation pressure classes

The map shows the percentage of NUTS3 regions covered by high an very high fragmentation pressure classes. Fragmentation pressure classes express the number of meshes per 1000 km2.

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Spatial pattern of fragmentation pressures in rural areas in EEA member countries

Fragmentation pressure from urban and transport infrastructure expansion in rural areas (see map) in the EU Member States. The chart shows the area distribution of fragmentation pressure classes in proportion of each country's rural area.

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Fragmentation pressure and population density in EEA member countries

The map shows the correspondence between fragmentation pressure from urban expansion and traffic infrastructure and population density in Europe.

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Availability of national CCIV assessments

Map simply shows areas with / without a CCIV (by colour), and which countries did not respond to the survey (stippled colours).

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Status of national adaptation policy

Map shows which countries have a NAS and those with both a NAS and a NAP. Also shows countries which have neither a NAS nor a NAP, plus countries which did not respond to the survey (stippled colours).

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New truck registrations by EU-28 in 2016

New truck registrations by EU-28 in 2016

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Average CO2 emissions from new passenger cars sold in EU-28 Member States plus Norway, Iceland and Switzerland in 2016

The maps reports the average CO2 emissions (g CO2/km) from new passenger cars registered in 2016 by country.

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Market share for truck manufacturers in EU and EFTA countries in 2016

Market share for truck manufacturers in EU and EFTA countries

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