Note: new versions of the publication are available!

Material resources and waste — SOER 2010 thematic assessment

Global search on data, maps and indicators

Production of toxic chemicals, by toxicity class in the EU-27 (million tonnes)

This indicator presents the trend in aggregated production volumes of toxic chemicals, broken down into five toxicity classes: Carcinogenic, mutagenic and reprotoxic (CMR) chemicals; Chronic toxic chemicals; Very toxic chemicals; Toxic chemicals; and Harmful chemicals.

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City limits considered in the Air Implementation Pilot of Antwerp, Berlin, Dublin, Madrid, Malmö, Milan, Paris, Ploiesti, Plovdiv, Prague, Vienna and Vilnius and air quality zones (for PM10, 2010 and 2011) in which they are included

12 European Cities participating in the Air Implementation Pilot depicting the Air Quality zones and the Urban Audit core city limits. The intention is to show the match between AQ zones and the Urban Audit city limits.

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European Indoor Radon map, December 2011

The map shows the indoor radon concentration averaged over 10x10 km grid cells

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The estimated distribution of the daily airborne pollen concentration of ragweed in the entire ragweed pollen season in Hungary in 2011

The colours on the map show the inferential distribution of the daily mean pollen concentration categories of the entire ragweed season by settlements (HAN). The level of warning resp. the 3 levels of alert are shown. The 'very high' concentration category, meaning 'worsening symptoms, in some cases with extremely high daily concentration producing serious symptoms' was very typical in the central, eastern and southern part of Hungary.

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Average annual PM2.5 levels on the territory of Plovdiv Municipality as a result from emissions of all sources in 2011

The modeling for 2011 is done for regional background level in scale of 15 μg/m3 for PM 2.5

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Trends in EU greenhouse gas emissions compared to 1990/base year

Trends in EU greenhouse gas emissions for the period 1990/base year - 2011

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Absolute change in emissions by sector in EU-27, 1990 -2011

Absolute change in emissions by sector in EU-27, 1990 -2011

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Absolute change of GHG emissions by gas in the EU-27, 2010 - 2011 and total GHG emissions by gas in the EU-27, 2011

Absolute change of GHG emissions by gas in the EU-27, 2010 - 2011 and total GHG emissions by gas in the EU-27, 2011

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EEA reference grid

EEA reference grid

24 May 2013

The grid is based on the recommendation at the 1st European Workshop on Reference Grids in 2003 and later INSPIRE geographical grid systems. For each country three vector polygon grid shape files, 1, 10 and 100 km, are available. The grids cover at least country borders - plus 15km buffer - and, where applicable, marine Exclusive Economic Zones v7.0 - plus 15km buffer - ( Note that the extent of the grid into the marine area does not reflect the extent of the territorial waters.

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Interpolated air quality data

Interpolated maps showing air quality in Europe. The dataset has been reorganised in order to improve data harmonization among years and to facilitate storage and processing of the interpolated maps for the EEA data services.

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Socio-economic projections for the European Union

Top: Projected GDP (PPP); middle: Projected total population; bottom: Projected population over 65 years old.

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Evolution of CO2 emissions from new passenger cars by fuel type

Graph showing progression of average emissions for new cars versus 2015 and 2020 targets

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Efficiency (electricity and heat) from autoproducers conventional thermal plants, 1990, 2010

Output from conventional thermal power stations consists of gross electricity generation and also of any heat sold to third parties (combined heat and power plants) by conventional thermal public utility power stations as well as autoproducer thermal power stations. Due to inconsistencies in the Eurostat data set Bulgaria, Greece, Lithuania, Luxembourg and Norway are excluded for all years (efficiencies >100%). For Cyprus, Iceland and Malta data on autoproducers is not available, therefore they are also excluded for all years.

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Efficiency (electricity and heat) from public conventional thermal plants, 1990, 2010

Output from conventional thermal power stations consists of gross electricity generation and also of any heat sold to third parties (combined heat and power plants) by conventional thermal public utility power stations as well as autoproducer thermal power stations.

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Efficiency of conventional thermal electricity and heat production

Output from conventional thermal power stations consists of gross electricity generation and also of any heat sold to third parties (combined heat and power plants) by conventional thermal public utility power stations as well as autoproducer thermal power stations. The figure on the left is including district heat and the figure on the right is excluding district heat. Left figure: Efficiency of conventional thermal electricity and heat production (including district heat). Right figure: Efficiency of conventional thermal electricity and heat production (excluding district heat)

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