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Material resources and waste — SOER 2010 thematic assessment

Global search on data, maps and indicators

Household energy consumption for space heating per m2 (2010, climate corrected)

The figure shows the households energy consumption for space heating per m² in 2010

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Drivers of the change in average annual energy consumption per household in the EU-27 between 1990 and 2010

The energy consumption of households is decomposed in different explanatory effects: change in average dwelling size, increasing number of appliances (more electrical appliances) and central heating diffusion, energy efficiency improvement (as measured from ODEX) and change in behaviour related to more confort.

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Final electricity consumption by sector, EU-27

Final electricity consumption is the electricity consumption of the final energy demand sectors, it does not include own use by electricity producers or transformation, transmission and distribution losses.

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Municipal waste recycling rates in 32 European countries, 2001 and 2010

The total recycling of municipal waste stated in percentage of the generated amount

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National reporting of the relative level of material-recycled municipal waste and recycled packaging waste (EU-27 and Norway, 2009)

The figure illustrates the relation between reported amounts of recycled packaging waste and recycled municipal waste and groups the countries into four categories.

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Regional variation in municipal waste recycling rate in 13 countries, 2008/2009

The variation bar shows the highest and lowest regional recycling level within each country.

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Progress of European countries up the material recycling hierarchy, 2001–2010

Number of countries per defined intervals of material recycling of MSW management in 2001 and 2010.

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Progress of European countries up the municipal bio-waste recycling hierarchy, 2001–2010

Number of countries per defined intervals of bio-waste recycling of MSW management in 2001 and 2010.

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Average annual percentage point increase needed in 32 European countries to reach 50 % recycling by 2020 and past rates achieved

The yearly average percentage point increase required by each country between 2010 and 2020 to reach the 50 % target and compared with the rates achieved in 2001–2006 and 2001–2010.

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Percentage of biodegradable municipal waste landfilled in 2006, 2009 and 2010 compared with the amount generated in 1995 — countries without derogation periods

Percentage of biodegradable municipal waste landfilled in 2006, 2009 and 2010 compared with the amount generated in 1995 — countries without derogation periods

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Development of municipal waste management in 32 European countries, 2001–2010

The amount of municipal waste related to treatment in million tonnes

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Municipal waste landfilling rates in 32 European countries, 2001 and 2010

Percentage of municipal waste landfilled in each European country, 2001 and 2010

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Material recycling as a percentage of municipal waste generation in 32 European countries, 2001 and 2010

Material recycling in 32 European countries as a percentage of total municipal waste generated in 2001 and 2010.

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Number of countries at different levels of the municipal waste management hierarchy, 2001 and 2010

The number of countries achieving defined levels of MSW management in 2001 and 2010. Countries > 25% recycling, > 25% incineration, > 50% landfilling and >75% landfilling. Each country can be included in several waste management categories. Therefore, the total number of countries is greater than 32.

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Yearly average percentage point increase in total recycling of municipal waste, 2001–2005 and 2006–2010

Yearly average percentage point increase in total recycling of municipal waste, 2001–2005 and 2006–2010

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Percentage of biodegradable municipal waste landfilled in 2006, 2009 and 2010 compared with the amount generated in 1995 — countries with derogation periods

Percentage of biodegradable municipal waste landfilled in each European country with derogation periods for fulfilling the BMW diversion targets of the EU Landfill Directive, compared with the amount generated in 1995. The general derogation is a four year period implying that the countries have to fulfill the targets by 2010, 2013 and 2020 in stead of by 2006, 2009 and 2016. Some countries have diverting derogations periods: Ireland: derogation only for the 2006 and 2009 targets, to be met 2010 and 2013. Portugal: derogation only for the 2009 and 2016 targets, to be met in 2013 and 2020. Slovenia: derogation only for the 2016 target, to be met by 2020. Croatia must meet the targets by 2013, 2016 and 2020.

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Progress of European countries up the recycling hierarchy (material and bio-waste recycling), 2001–2010

The number of countries achieving defined intervals of total recycling in 2001 and 2010.

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Share of renewable energy to final energy consumption

Share of renewable energy to final energy consumption, 1990-2010

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