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Material resources and waste — SOER 2010 thematic assessment

Global search on data, maps and indicators

Mapping of drought conditions in Europe

Mapping of drought conditions in Europe as calculated by the CDI (based on SPI, soil moisture and fAPAR) for top left 21 March 2012, top right 21 May 2011, and bottom left 1 May 2003. 2003 was known as a dry year for large parts of Europe.

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Occurrence of drought (left) and water scarcity (right) in RBMPs

Occurrence of Drought in EU RBDs, according to RBMP assessment plus MS information

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Relevant pressures for GWBs

Relative number of GWB where a pressure is significant (all classified GWBs and GWBs in poor quantitative status)

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Precipitation versus agricultural demand patterns

Monthly agricultural water demand (in%) of total versus monthly rainfall (in% of yearly total)

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EU‑27 transport emissions of GHG

Graph with two lines showing total GHG emissions for transport (including intl. Aviation) and international maritime transport. 2030 and 2050 target reductions also shown as dotted lines.

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Trend in emissions of air pollutants from transport in EEA-32

Transport emissions of PM2.5, CO, SOx, NMVOC, NOx in EEA member countries.

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Passenger transport volume (billion passenger kilometre (pkm)) (EU‑27)

Bar chart showing growth in passenger transport volumes

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Freight transport volume (billion tonne kilometre (tkm)) (EU‑27)

Bar chart showing growth in freight transport volumes

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Real change in transport prices by mode in the EU‑27

Evolution of Transport Prices for Consumers (index 2005 = 100))

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Proportion of vehicle stock by alternative fuel type (selected EEA‑32 member countries)

Graphs showing percentages of car and bus stocks using alternative fuels by five different alternative fuels

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Passenger transport modal split (without sea and aviation, 2009)

Chart showing passenger transport modal split in EU-27 countries between car, rail and bus

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Trends in passenger transport demand and GDP (EEA-32 excluding Liechtenstein)

Graph showing change in passenger transport volume and GDP versus time, together with the ‘decoupling’ relationship between them

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Trends in diesel NOX emission factors and type approval emission standards

The figure shows the change in real-world NOx emission factors in urban conditions for diesel cars with different Euro standards along with the change in the type-approval standards

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Daily variation (in μg/m3) of PM10 concentrations in 2009

The daily variation and exceedances of PM10 concentrations during 2009 at a monitoring station that is directly affected by the port in each of these five European port cities. The red line shows the daily limit value. This illustrates significant exceedances.

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Trends in NO2 and PM10 concentrations at urban background and traffic locations

Trends of NO2 and PM10 atmospheric concentration at urban background and traffic locations. Comparison in several European urban area

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Impacts and consequences of climate change on forest growth and forest conditions

Table shows the impacts and consequences of climate change on forest growth and forest conditions.

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Projected change in dates of flowering and maturation for winter wheat

This figure shows the model estimated mean change in dates of flowering and full maturation for winter wheat for the period 2031–2050 compared with 1975–1994 for the RACMO (KNMI) and HadRCM3 (Hadley Centre.HC) projections under the A1B emission scenario.

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