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Material resources and waste — SOER 2010 thematic assessment

Global search on data, maps and indicators

Conservation status of habitats per region

Conservation status of habitats per region of Community interest.

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Conservation status of habitats

Conservation status of habitats of Community interest.

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Trends of European butterflies and dragonflies

Populations trends of European butterflies and dragonflies.

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Threat status of EU species

Red list status of amphibians, terrestrial mammals, marine mammals, reptiles, butterflies and dragonflies in EU.

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Trends of European amphibians, reptiles and mammals

Population trends of European amphibians, reptiles and mammals.

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Projected changes in annual near-surface temperature for periods 2021–2050 and 2071–2100

Projected changes in annual near-surface air temperature (°C) using multi-model ensemble average of RCM simulations for the period 2021-2050 (left) and 2071-2100 (right). Model simulations of the EU-ENSEMBLES project using the IPCC SRES A1B emission scenario for the periods 1961-1990, 2021-2050 and 2071-2100 (van der Linden and Mitchell, 2009).

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Projections of extreme temperatures as represented by the combined number of hot summer (June-August) days (TMAX>35°C) and tropical nights (TMIN>20°C)

Maps show changes in extreme temperature for two future periods, relative to 1961-1990. Extreme temperatures are represented by the combined number of hot summer (June-August) days (TMAX>35°C) and tropical nights (TMIN>20°C). All projections are the average of 5 Regional Climate Model simulations of the EU-ENSEMBLES project using the IPCC SRES A1B emission scenario for the periods 1961-90, 2021-2050 and 2071-2100 (Fischer and Schär, 2010).

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Hazardous waste generation in the EU-15, EU-12 and in EU-27 plus Norway, Switzerland, and Croatia, 1997 to 2009

The figure shows the amounts of hazardous waste generated in EU-15, EU-12 and EU-27 plus Norway, Switzerland, and Croatia in the years 1997 to 2009.

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European catchments and Rivers network system (Ecrins)

Version 1, Jun. 2012 - Ecrins is acronym for European catchments and Rivers network system. It is a geographical information system of the European hydrographical systems with a full topological information. Ecrins is a composite system made from the CCM developed by the JRC, Corine land Cover, WFD reporting elements, etc.

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Trends in the use of materials and material productivity in EU-12 and EU15

This figure shows the changes of GDP, Population, DMC and Material Productivity for EU15 and EU12 between 1970 and 2011/2009 respectively 1992 and 2011/2009

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Uses of resources per capita in 2000 vs 2008/2009

This figure shows the DMC per capita for the EU27 countries and selected other countries in 2000 and 2009 respectively 2008

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Growth in the Productivity of Labour, Energy and materials for selected European countries

This figure shows the development of labour productivity, energy productivity and material productivity in selected European countries.

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Shipments of notified waste from EU Member States to other EU and non‐EU countries, 1997-2009

The figure illustrates the amount of transboundary shipped notified waste, in Million tonnes, traded from EU-member states to different countries. These cover countries within EU-15, EFTA, Non-OECD (inkl. BG and RO), EU-12 excl. BG + RO and OECD (non-EFTA).

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Recycling rates for packaging waste in 2009 by country

Generation and recycling of packaging waste in the member countries of the European Environment Agency. The data show that 17 countries in 2009 met the 2009 target of the Packaging Waste Directive (2004/12/EC) to recycle at least 55% of packaging waste generated, and two countries missed the 2001 target to recycle at least 25%.

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Trend in generation of municipal waste in the EU, EFTA countries, Turkey and Western Balkan countries, 2003 and 2010

The figure is a bar plot of the generation of municipal waste in kg per capita, covering 2003 and 2010.

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Waste geneneration by type of waste in the EU‐27, Croatia, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Norway and Turkey, 2008

The total generation of waste in the EU-27, Croatia, FYR Of Macedonia, Norway and Turkey divided into 7 different categories. The figure shows that nearly two thirds of all waste in 2008 was mineral waste, mainly from mining, quarrying, construction and demolition.

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Trends in the use of material resources in EU-15, 1970 to 2010 (top) and EU-12, 1992 to 2010

Change 2000 to 2009 in EU-15/EU-12: Total DMC (– 9.9/+ 28.4 %); Biomass (– 2.4/+ 5.8 %); Metals (– 35.9/– 22 %); Non-metal minerals (– 13.5/+ 82.4 %); Fossil fuels (– 5.6/– 5.1%). EU-15 includes Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom. EU-12 includes Bulgaria, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia.

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Development of Ecological Footprint and Available Biocapacity per capita in EEA Member Countries

The ecological footprint is a measure of the area needed to support a population's lifestyle. This includes the consumption of food, fuel, wood, and fibres. Pollution, such as carbon dioxide emissions, is also counted as part of the footprint. Biocapacity measures how biologically productive land is. It is measured in 'global hectares': a hectare with the world average biocapacity. Biologically productive land includes cropland, pasture, forests and fisheries

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