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Material resources and waste — SOER 2010 thematic assessment

Global search on data, maps and indicators

% change in industry final energy consumption per capita (1990-2008)

Based on the ratio : energy consumption / population (%/year calculated on the period 1990-2008)

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Energy efficiency index (ODEX) in industry in EU-27

Energy efficiency index of industry (ODEX) is a weighted average of the specific consumption index of 10 manufacturing branches; the weight being the share of each branch in the sum of the energy consumption of these branches in year t and the sum of the implied energy consumption from each underlying industrial branches in year t (based on the unit consumption of the sub-sector with a moving reference year).

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Benchmarking in the steel industry

Figure shows a more detailed comparison of the performance (in terms of energy unit consumption) of the European steel sector across the different EU-27 countries taking into account the relative share of electric steel in total crude steel production.

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Energy efficiency improvement (ODEX) in EU-27 countries

Energy efficiency index of industry (ODEX) is a weighted average of the specific consumption index of 10 manufacturing branches; the weight being the share of each branch in the sum of the energy consumption of these branches in year t and the sum of the implied energy consumption from each underlying industrial branches in year t (based on the unit consumption of the sub-sector with a moving reference year).

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Energy consumption by end uses per dwelling

Based on the ratio: energy consumption by end uses divided by the number of permanently occupied dwelling.

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Drivers of the change in average annual energy consumption per household in the EU-27 between 1990 and 2008

The energy consumption of households is decomposed in different explanatory effects: change in average dwelling size, increasing number of appliances (more electrical appliances) and central heating diffusion, energy efficiency improvement (as measured from ODEX) and change in behaviour related to more confort.

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Variation in direct CO2 emission from household (EU27)

Variations in CO2 emissions from household and the explanatory effects.

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Useful energy requirement per m2 for space heating (2008)

The unit consumption in useful terms is calulated by multiplying the final consumption for each fuel by the heating efficiency for that fuel.

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CO2 emissions per m2 for space heating

The graph compares by country the level of CO2 emissions for space heating per m2 for 2 years : 1990 and 2008 (direct and indirect emissions). 1990 and 2008 data are climate corrected against each country’s long-term average climate, whereas the last series is climate corrected and scaled against the EU long-term average climate to account for temperature differences between countries.

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Energy Efficiency ODEX  by country

Change in energy efficiency index by country in the period 1997-2008

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CO2 emissions per dwelling, climate corrected (EU-27)

CO2 emissions per dwelling: direct and indirect emissions

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Influence of change in dwelling size on the energy consumption per dwelling (1997–2008)

Unit consumption for households can be expressed in energy consumed per dwelling (toe/dw) or energy consumed per floor area (koe/m2). The floor area per dwelling for EU27 is extrapolated from the weighted average floor area of dwellings of 19 countries (9 EU-15 countries and 10 new members) which represent around 85% of the total EU stock of dwellings; the weighting factor is the stock of dwellings.

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Households energy consumption by end uses

Share of energy consumption by end uses in total households consumption.

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Influence of climate on household energy consumption per dwelling

Influence of climate on household energy consumption per dwelling between 1990 and 2008.

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% change in household final energy consumption per person, 1990-2008

Based on the ratio : energy consumption / population (%/year calculated on the period 1990-2008)

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Influence of income and energy prices on household consumption per dwelling

The graph characterizes the average consumption per households (at normal climate) in relation to the evolution of prices and incomes. The income per households for EU-27 as a whole is the sum of the 27 EU countries based on national Odyssee data.

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Odyssee energy efficiency index (ODEX) (EU-27)

For households, the ODEX is carried out at the level of 3 end-uses (heating, water heating, cooking) and 5 large appliances (refrigerators, freezers, washing machines, dishwashers and TVs)

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Final energy consumption in the industry sectors

The figure shows the development of the final energy consumption in the different industry sectors.

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Energy losses and energy availability for end users in 2008 (% of primary energy consumption)

How to read the figure: % Share of 101300 (consumption – energy sector), 101400 (distribution losses), 101500 (energy available for final consumption), Transformation losses (101000 Transformation input minus 101100 Transformation output) within the sum of the above four elements for each Member State

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Structure of the efficiency of transformation and distribution of energy from primary energy consumption to final energy consumption, EU-27, 2008

How to read the figures: % share of Gross Inland Energy Consumption (100900) for 2000 Solid Fuels, 3000 Crude oil and Petroleum Products, 4000 Gas, 5100 Nuclear Energy, 6000 Imports/exports electricity, 5500 Renewable Energies, 7100 Industrial Wastes. All in ktoe. % share of Gross Inland Energy consumption (100900) for Transformation losses (101000 Transformation input minus 101100 Transformation output), 101400 Distribution losses, 101300 consumption – energy sector, 101600 final non-energy consumption, 101800 final energy consumption – industry, 101900 final energy consumption – transport, 102010 final energy consumption – households, 102030 final energy consumption – agriculture (plus 102035 final energy consumption fisheries), 102035 final energy consumption – services, 102040 final energy consumption – other sectors.

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