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Material resources and waste — SOER 2010 thematic assessment

Global search on data, maps and indicators

Estimated impact of different factors on the reduction in emissions of SO2 from public electricity and heat production between 1990 and 2008, EEA-32

The chart shows the estimated contributions of the various factors that have affected emissions from public electricity and heat production (including public thermal power stations, nuclear power stations, hydro power plants and wind plants).

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Estimated impact of different factors on the reduction in emissions of NOx from public electricity and heat production between 1990 and 2008, EEA-32

The chart shows the estimated contributions of the various factors that have affected emissions from public electricity and heat production (including public thermal power stations, nuclear power stations, hydro power plants and wind plants).

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Estimated impact of different factors on the reduction in emissions of CO2 from public electricity and heat production between 1990 and 2008, EEA-32

The chart shows the estimated contributions of the various factors that have affected emissions from public electricity and heat production (including public thermal power stations, nuclear power stations, hydro power plants and wind plants).

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Emissions intensity of sulphur dioxide from public conventional thermal power production

Emissions intensity of sulphur dioxide from public conventional thermal power production

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CO2, SO2 and NOx emissions and electricity and heat production, EEA-32

CO2, SO2 and NOx emissions and electricity and heat production in the EEA-32, during the period 1990-2008

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Emissions intensity of nitrogen oxides from public conventional thermal power production

Emissions intensity is calculated as the amount of pollutant produced (in tonnes) from public electricity and heat production divided by the output of electricity and heat (in toe) from these plants.

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Emissions intensity of carbon dioxide from public conventional thermal power production

Emissions intensity of carbon dioxide from public conventional thermal power production

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Emissions intensity of public conventional thermal power production, EEA-32

Emissions intensity of public conventional thermal power production, EEA-32

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Diffuse Air Releases (Art 8) under the European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (E-PRTR) Regulation

The European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (E-PRTR) is a web-based register established by Regulation (EC) No 166/2006 which implements the UNECE PRTR Protocol.

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Change in forest connectivity in the EU, 1990–2006

Data from Corine Land Cover (CLC) for the years 1990 and 2006; results aggregated per landscape units of 25 x 25 km2.

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Change in forest connectivity in the EU, 1990–2000

Data from Corine Land Cover (CLC) for the years 1990 and 2000; results aggregated per provinces (Nuts 2/3).

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Urban morphological zones changes 2000-2006

F3v0 - Urban morphological zones (UMZ) are defined by Corine land cover classes considered to contribute to the urban tissue and function

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Water exploitation index (WEI) — in late 1980s/early 1990s (WEI‑90) compared to latest years available (1998 to 2007)

WEI: annual total water abstraction as a percentage of available long-term freshwater resources.

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Greenhouse gas emissions in the EU-27 by sector in 2008, and changes between 1990 and 2008

The figures shows the total greenhouse (GHG) emissions in the EU-27 by sector and the changes between 1990 and 2008

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Past and projected global surface temperature change (relative to 1980–1999), based on multi‑model averages for selected IPCC scenarios

The figure shows the past and projected change in global surface temperatures. If global greenhouse gas emissions would not be reduced, the 2°C target will be exceeded towards the middle of the 21st century. The horizontal 2°C target line takes into account warming of about 0.6 °C from pre-industrial to 1990. “Likely” ranges in average 2090-2099 warming for all six IPCC scenarios are shown on the right

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Trends in the use of material resources in EU-15 and EU-12 and municipal waste generation in EU‑27 compared with GDP and population

These graphs show the trends in the use of material resources in EU-15 and EU-12 and municipal waste generation in EU‑27 compared with GDP and population.

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Intensity of forestry — net annual increment in growing stock and annual fellings of forest available for wood supply, 1990–2005

This graph shows the intensity of forestry — net annual increment in growing stock and annual fellings of forest available for wood supply — 32 EEA member countries, 1990–2005.

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Intensity of forestry — net harvesting rate in 2005

This map shows the intensity of forestry - net harvesting rate in 2005.

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Resource use per person, by country, 2000 and 2007

This graph shows the resource use per person, by country in 2000 and 2007.

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Estimated global warming at which the onset of the events could occur versus their impact

Temperature increase (above 1990 level) at which the various events could occur and an estimate of their impact. The impact scale has subjective qualifications (‘minor’, ‘notable’, ‘major’ and ‘devastating’), which were assigned on the basis of the geographical scale (from ‘regional’ to ‘continental’ and ‘global’) and the character of the damages (‘light’, ‘moderate’, ‘heavy’ or ‘extreme’). The level of scientific understanding, as well as the understanding of possible impacts for most of these events is low. The shapes and sizes of the ovals do not represent uncertainties in impact and temperature onset of eventualities and these uncertainties may be significant.

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