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Material resources and waste — SOER 2010 thematic assessment

Global search on data, maps and indicators

National Renewable Energy Action Plan (NREAP) data from Member States

A compiled dataset on renewable energy trajectories extracted from the submissions of the Member States to the European Commission, and an accompanying document which summarises the main points of the data.

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Mean annual urban land take as a percentage of total urban land take 2000-2006

Land cover changes in Liechtenstein remained below the detection level of Corine Land Cover change methodology. In some large countries, dates of satellite images for regions may differ by several years

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Mean annual urban land take 2000-2006 per country as a percentage of 2000 artificial land

Land cover changes in Liechtenstein remained below the detection level of Corine Land Cover change methodology. In some large countries, dates of satellite images for regions may differ by several years

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 Annual land take by several types of human activity (2000-2006)

Drivers of urban land development ha/year In some large countries, dates of satellite images for regions may differ by several years

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Greenhouse gas emissions as tonnes CO2-equivalent per person by country in 2008

The figure show the greenhouse gas emissions as tonnes CO2 - equivalent per person by country

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Marine aquaculture production relative to coastline length

The map show the marine aquaculture production relative to coastline length

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Freight transport demand by mode - EU27

Freight transport demand by mode - EU27

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Share of land freight transport by mode

Percentage share of land freight transport between road and rail transport mode for EU12, EU15 and combined EU27.

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Trends in air passenger transport demand and GDP

Trends in air passenger transport demand and GDP. The two curves show the development in GDP and air passenger transport volumes, while the columns show the level of annual decoupling. Green indicates faster growth in GDP than in transport while red indicates stronger growth in transport than in GDP. Aviation passenger demand data are provisional estimates from the European Commission DG MOVE for domestic and intra-EU27 aviation. GDP data for Lichtenstein is not included as it is not available. The ratio of annual growth of passenger transport to GDP, measured in 2000 prices, determines the amount of coupling between GDP and transport. The decoupling indicator, depicted by the green bars, is calculated as unity minus the coupling ratio; so a positive score indicates decoupling (i.e. transport demand grows less slowly than GDP), with a negative score showing the opposite (i.e. transport demand outpaces GDP growth)

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Overall change in emissions of ozone precursors by country, 1990-2007

The graph shows the change in energy-related emissions of ozone precursors (NOx, NMVOC, CO and CH4) each weighted by an ozone formation factor prior to aggregation to represent their respective ozone forming potentials. The relative impact of the combined contribution of NOx, NMVOC, CO and CH4 to ozone formation can be assessed based on their tropospheric ozone forming potentials (TOFP): nitrogen oxides 1.22, non-methane volatile organic compounds 1.0, carbon monoxide 0.11 and methane 0.014 (de Leeuw 2002).

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Sectoral shares of tropospheric ozone precursors (energy and non-energy components) in total emissions, EU-27.

The emissions of ozone precursors (NOx, NMVOC, CO and CH4) are each weighted by an ozone formation factor prior to aggregation to represent their respective ozone forming potentials. The relative impact of the combined contribution of NOx, NMVOC, CO and CH4 to ozone formation can be assessed based on their tropospheric ozone forming potentials (TOFP): nitrogen oxides 1.22, non-methane volatile organic compounds 1.0, carbon monoxide 0.11 and methane 0.014.

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Changes (%) in emissions of ozone precursors by source category, 1990-2007, EEA-32 (weighted by tropospheric ozone forming potential)

The graph above shows the emissions of ozone precursors (methane CH4; carbon monoxide CO; non-methane volatile organic compounds NMVOCs; and nitrogen oxides NOx) each weighted by a factor prior to aggregation to represent their respective tropospheric ozone formation potential (TOFP). The TOFP factors are: NOx 1.22, NMVOC 1, CO 0.11 and CH4 0.014 (de Leeuw 2002). Results are expressed in NMVOC equivalents (kilotonnes - kt). Data not available for Iceland (emissions of CO, NMVOC, NOx were not reported) and Malta (CO). 'Energy combustion' includes all energy-related emissions minus fugitive.

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Emissions intensity of carbon dioxide from public conventional thermal power production

Emissions intensity is calculated as the amount of pollutant produced (in tonnes) from public electricity and heat production divided by the output of electricity and heat (in toe) from these plants.

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NO2 mean and maximum values of annual averages for traffic and urban background stations

Station pairs from capital cities were preferred, but when not available the next largest city for which data was available was chosen

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PM10 mean and maximum values of annual averages for traffic and urban background stations

Station pairs from capital cities were preferred, but when not available the next largest city for which data was available was chosen

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Ocean acidity over the past 25 million years and projected to 2100

The ‘pH’ is a measure of acidity – the lower the number the more acidic the ocean becomes. On a geological timescale, ocean pH has been relatively stable. Recently, oceans have been acidifying fast and this is projected to continue at a rate unprecedented for millions of years.

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Total GHG emissions in  EU-15 and EU-27 in Mt CO2-equivalent

Total GHG emissions in EU-15 and EU-27 in Mt CO2-equivalent

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Observed and projected Arctic September sea-ice extent, 1900–2100

Observed and projected Arctic September sea-ice extent

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