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Material resources and waste — SOER 2010 thematic assessment

Global search on data, maps and indicators

Melting area 1979–2008 and mass change 2003–2009 of the Greenland ice sheet

Note: The maps on the left show the area of the Greenland ice sheet with at least one day of surface melting in summer. The diagram on the left shows the cumulated melt area, which is defined as the annual total sum of every daily ice sheet melt area. For example, if a particular area is melting on 20 days in a given year, it is counted 20 times.

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Cumulative specific net mass balance of selected glaciers from European glaciated regions, 1946–2008

Cumulative specific net mass balance of selected glaciers from European glaciated regions

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Comparison of the average annual costs of adaptation in developed countries

Comparison of the average annual costs of adaptation in developed countries

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Comparison of the average annual costs of adaptation in developing countries

Comparison of the average annual costs of adaptation in developing countries

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Potential increase in crop production under the adaptation scenario

Potential increase in crop production under an adaptation scenario

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Annual water availability per person (Falkenmark indicator)

Present and projected annual water availability per person

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Water limitation of crop primary production in Europe under rain-fed conditions

Present and projected water limitation of crop primary production in Europe under rain-fed conditions

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People expected to be at risk of flooding without adaptation in the medium-long term

People expected to be at risk of flooding without adaptation in the medium-long term

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Modelled change of the flowering date for winter planted wheat, 1975–2007

Changes of the flowering date for winter planted wheat between 1975 and 2007

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Potential tipping elements with direct impacts on Europe

Colours show population density

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Observed and projected change in sea level 1970–2008, relative to the sea level in 1990

The solid lines are based on observations smoothed to remove the effects of interannual variability (light lines connect data points). Data in most recent years are obtained via satellite based sensors. The envelope of IPCC (2001) projections is shown for comparison; this includes the broken lines as individual projections and the shading as the uncertainty around the projections.

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Annual damage in terms of GDP loss (million EUR) and welfare change (%)

Annual damage and welfare change due to climate change

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Sectoral decomposition of regional welfare changes

Sectoral decomposition of regional welfare changes due to climate change

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Occurrence of assessed butterfly and amphibian species of different vulnerability categories in bio-geographical regions, 2050, A2 scenario

Vulnerability of assessed butterfly and amphibian species of different vulnerability categories in bio-geographical regions

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Expected impact of climate change on future flood damage

Expected impact of climate change on future flood damage

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Riverine flood damage potential

This map presents riverine flood damage potential for a 100-year return period, current climate and no defences; catchments and sub-catchments of less than 500 km2 are not included

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Normalised flood losses in Europe from major disasters

Losses from major flood disasters in Europe between 1970 and 2008

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Major flood disasters in the EU, Switzerland and Norway, 1950–2009

Major flood disasters according to flood types and spatial relevance

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Coastal flood damage potential

Damage potential of coastal flooding in Europe

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