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Material resources and waste — SOER 2010 thematic assessment

Global search on data, maps and indicators

Vehicle ownership and truck intensity in the EEA

The graph shows development of vehicle ownership, defined as number of passenger vehicles per 1 000 inhabitants, and truck intensity, defined as number of trucks per million euro GDP in constant 1995 prices , over the period 1995 to 2009.

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Specific emissions of VOC per passenger-km or tonne-km and per mode of transport, 1995-2009

The graph shows development of specific VOC emissions, defined as emissions of VOC per transport unit (passenger-km or tonne-km), by transport mode (road, rail, maritime, inland shipping, air) in 1995 and 2009.

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Specific emissions of CO per passenger-km or tonne-km and per mode of transport, 1995-2009

The graph shows development of specific CO emissions, defined as emissions of CO per transport unit (passenger-km or tonne-km), by transport mode (road, rail, maritime, inland shipping, air) in 1995 and 2009.

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Specific emissions of NOx per passenger-km or tonne-km and per mode of transport, 1995-2009

The graph shows development of specific NOx emissions, defined as emissions of NOx per transport unit (passenger-km or tonne-km), by transport mode (road, rail, maritime, inland shipping, air) in 1995 and 2009.

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Specific emissions of PM per passenger-km or tonne-km and per mode of transport, 1995-2009

The graph shows development of specific PM emissions, defined as emissions of PM per transport unit (passenger-km or tonne-km), by transport mode (road, rail, maritime, inland shipping, air) in 1995 and 2009.

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Overall change in energy-related (i.e. combustion) emissions of primary and secondary particles, 1990-2007

The graph shows the change in emissions of primary PM10 data, and emissions of secondary PM10 precursors (SO2 and NOx and NH3) each weighted using aerosol formation factors (according to de Leeuw, 2002) NOx = 0.88, SO2 = 0.54 and NH3 = 0.64.

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TERM26 Overview of all non-fuel related charges and internalisation policies in EEA-32

Overview of all non-fuel related charges and internalisation policies in EEA-32

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Sectoral shares of primary and secondary particulate matter in total emissions, EEA-32

The graph includes the combined emissions of primary PM10 particles (particulate matter with a diameter of 10 μm or less, emitted directly into the atmosphere) and secondary particulate-forming pollutants (the fraction of sulphur dioxide, SO2, nitrogen oxides NOx and ammonia NH3 which, as a result of photo-chemical reactions in the atmosphere, transform into particulate matter with a diameter of 10μm or less). Emissions of the secondary particulate precursor species are weighted by a particle formation factor prior to aggregation: primary PM10 = 1, SO2 = 0.54, NOx = 0.88, and (NH3) = 0.64.

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Changes (%) in emissions of primary and secondary PM10 particles by source category, 1990-2007, EEA-32 (weighted by particle formation factors)

The graph shows the emissions of primary PM10 particles (particulate matter with a diameter of 10 μm or less, emitted directly into the atmosphere) and secondary particulate-forming pollutants (the fraction of sulphur dioxide, SO2, nitrogen oxides NOx and ammonia NH3 which, as a result of photo-chemical reactions in the atmosphere, transform into particulate matter with a diameter of 10μm or less). Emissions of the secondary particulate precursor species are weighted by a particle formation factor prior to aggregation: primary PM10 = 1, SO2 = 0.54, NOx = 0.88, and (NH3) = 0.64

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Changes (%) in emissions of acidifying pollutants by source category, 1990-2007, EEA-27 (weighted by acid equivalency factors)

The figure shows the emissions of acidifying pollutants (sulphur dioxide SO2, nitrogen oxides NOx and ammonia NH3) each weighted by an acid equivalency factor prior to aggregation to represent their respective acidification potentials. The acid equivalency factors are given by: w(SO2) = 2/64 acid eq/g = 31.25 acid eq/kg, w(NOx) = 1/46 acid eq/g = 21.74 acid eq/kg and w(NH3) = 1/17 acid eq/g = 58.82 acid eq/kg.

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Overall change in emissions of acidifying substances by country, 1990-2007

The graph shows the change in emissions of acidifying pollutants (sulphur dioxide SO2, nitrogen oxides NOx and ammonia NH3) each weighted by an acid equivalency factor prior to aggregation to represent their respective acidification potentials. The acid equivalency factors are given by: w(SO2) = 2/64 acid eq/g = 31.25 acid eq/kg, w(NOx) = 1/46 acid eq/g = 21.74 acid eq/kg and w(NH3) = 1/17 acid eq/g = 58.82 acid eq/kg.

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Sectoral shares of acidifying pollutants (SO2, NOx, NH3; energy and non-energy components) of total emissions, EEA-32. Values within the segments indicate the level of emissions (kt) emitted from each sector.

The emissions of acidifying pollutants (sulphur dioxide SO2, nitrogen oxides NOx and ammonia NH3) are each weighted by an acid equivalency factor prior to aggregation to represent their respective acidification potentials. The acid equivalency factors are given by: w(SO2) = 2/64 acid eq/g = 31.25 acid eq/kg, w(NOx) = 1/46 acid eq/g = 21.74 acid eq/kg and w(NH3) = 1/17 acid eq/g = 58.82 acid eq/kg.

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Real price indices of passenger transport based on a fixed transport product in the EU 25 Member States (2005=100)

Real change in passenger and freight transport prices by mode, relative to average consumer prices (CP00). Data for entire EU-27 are available. However, very low consumer price indices in Romania and Bulgaria prior to their accession distort the weighted average and hence have been excluded.

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Carbon, material and water footprint for different types of meat, dairy products, vegetables and fruit

The figure compares carbon, material and water footprints for selected foodstuffs (beef, butter, cheese, pork, chicken, greenhouse vegetables, rice, milk, wheat, bread, potatoes and root crop, and apple in season).

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GHG emissions for example holiday trips from Germany, CO2 equivalents per person and day

The graph shows the GHG emissions associated with different types of example holiday trips from Germany

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Trends and outlooks in transport demand for the different modes of transport, EU-25, 1990-2030

The figure shows past (from 1990) and projected (until 2030) values for passenger transport demand within the EU-25. Results are presented both in absolute numbers (per category values for different means of transport summing up to total annual passenger transport demand in Gpkm for the years 1990-2030) and their respective percentage share of total passenger transport demand in Gpkm.

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CO2 emissions from passenger transport (use phase only), EU-27, 2000 and 2005

The figure shows total CO2-emissions (attention: not CO2-equivalents; CH4 and N2O were left out due to data-constraints and insignificance as percentage of total emissions) for different means of transports’ usage-phase in the EU-27. Increasing travel resulted in increased direct emissions of CO2 from 2000 to 2005. Modes of transport with high CO2-intensity are private cars and aviation.

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Changes in GHG emissions (1995-2005) and material use (2000-2005) caused by national consumption and contributing factors in selected EU countries

This figure identifies changes in direct and indirect GHG emissions and material use caused by total national consumption in EU countries with available data for carrying out the calculations. The various effects of 3 contributing factors to these trends are shown: real growth in consumption expenditure (i.e. in fixed prices), reductions in the emissions/material use per Euro within individual product chains of final NACE product groups. Pressures caused by national consumption include both direct and indirect pressures. Direct pressures are those released during consumption of goods and services i.e. emissions to air from cars and from burning fuels in households for heating, cooking etc. Indirect pressures caused by consumption comprise all pressures released along the production chains of consumed goods. Includes goods produced domestically and imported goods. 2 environmental pressure are included – greenhouse gas emissions and material consumption (based on DMI but including DMI imported in imports).

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Relative pressure intensities (unit pressure per Euro of spending) of household consumption categories averaged across 9 EU countries, 2005

This figure compares the environmental pressure intensity of 12 different household consumption categories as defined by COICOP nomenclature i.e. the environmental pressure implications of spending one Euro on a given household consumption category compared to the average Euro spent by households. The pressures caused by household consumption categories include both direct and indirect pressures. Direct pressures are those released during consumption of goods and services i.e. emissions to air from cars and from burning fuels in households for heating, cooking etc. Indirect pressures caused by consumption comprise all pressures released along the production chains of consumed goods. Includes goods produced domestically and imported goods. 4 environmental pressure intensities are included – greenhouse gas emissions per Euro; acidification emissions per Euro; tropospheric ozone precursors per Euro and material consumption per Euro.

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CO2 emissions caused by consumption in selected EU countries, 2004

This figure identifies direct and indirect CO2 emissions caused by total national consumption in 2004 in 14 EU countries with available data for carrying out the calculations. CO2 caused by consumption are split into three components: 1) CO2 emitted abroad during the production of imported goods for direct consumption 2) CO2 emitted induced by domestic production for the home market 3) CO2 emitted directly by households through burning of fossil fuels for cooking, heating and in private cars

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